Rock Star
Silver Level
What do you do when you can't seem to win a race or win when way ahead?
Last 6 tournaments Ive been in, Ive been crippled by a bad beat, then catch back up a little, then get major shortstacked by another bad beat, and then knocked out when I have to go all in on a race.
Latest example....
dealt AA, I raise, someone raises, someone calls, I re-raise all in.. fold, one caller... with KK
flop comes King
ok, so im not 2x the avg stack anymore down a bit below starting stack
work my way back up a few k chips, then am dealt KK, I raise, get re-raised, and push hard.... they are shorter and have A 8 (this is a devil hand vs me)... ace on flop (2nd time ive lost with KK vs A8 in the last 6 tournies)
I make some back with a solid play with top pair on the flop, then I am dealt AK two hands in a row... someone raises 2x the BB each time and I call, miss the flop each time, each time they showed a pocket pair. (higher than top pair on flop, and they all in'd with position)
A few hands later Im shortish, but i call 1/10th of my stack raise with 33... flop comes Q 6 6, lots of callers.... I tell my wife, someone has a higher pocket pair than me, probably 88ish, and that raise had AK or AQ...
AQ raiser raised 500, I fold.... one caller... turn, 3... (OUCH), raiser goes all in, is called.... they show AQ and 10 10.... so I would have won ..... oops, river is a 3 as well *tears hair out*, but Im ok because I know I made a perfect read
Blinds hit me with crap and raisers, then they move me tables, im in bb again, nothing.... then Im dealt KJ as blinds come around towards me, no raisers, I go all in, button raises all in... he has KQ... so the king on the flop just makes it a joke..
I get knocked out.... basically the last many tournaments have gone this way.... bad beats, lost races, and me struggling my ass off just to stay in the game... I make it about 1.5 hours in and make it to the top 30% in almost all of these...... but cant break into the top 10% with this luck...
Im not the best player, but I know those above situations were handles 90% well, and it didnt matter, cant really misplay going all in preflop with AA and KK unless you have insane reads. (the kk that is)
Im not on tilt, Im not super angry, just a little frustrated and wondering when/if/how this will stop..... I've gone through 1/2 my bankroll in the last 3 days, and I normally finish in the money 1/3 or 1/4 times in a good sized tourney...
Anyway, Im probably blind to something so any input is appreciated as always, I am FAR from perfect...
Last 6 tournaments Ive been in, Ive been crippled by a bad beat, then catch back up a little, then get major shortstacked by another bad beat, and then knocked out when I have to go all in on a race.
Latest example....
dealt AA, I raise, someone raises, someone calls, I re-raise all in.. fold, one caller... with KK
flop comes King
ok, so im not 2x the avg stack anymore down a bit below starting stack
work my way back up a few k chips, then am dealt KK, I raise, get re-raised, and push hard.... they are shorter and have A 8 (this is a devil hand vs me)... ace on flop (2nd time ive lost with KK vs A8 in the last 6 tournies)
I make some back with a solid play with top pair on the flop, then I am dealt AK two hands in a row... someone raises 2x the BB each time and I call, miss the flop each time, each time they showed a pocket pair. (higher than top pair on flop, and they all in'd with position)
A few hands later Im shortish, but i call 1/10th of my stack raise with 33... flop comes Q 6 6, lots of callers.... I tell my wife, someone has a higher pocket pair than me, probably 88ish, and that raise had AK or AQ...
AQ raiser raised 500, I fold.... one caller... turn, 3... (OUCH), raiser goes all in, is called.... they show AQ and 10 10.... so I would have won ..... oops, river is a 3 as well *tears hair out*, but Im ok because I know I made a perfect read
Blinds hit me with crap and raisers, then they move me tables, im in bb again, nothing.... then Im dealt KJ as blinds come around towards me, no raisers, I go all in, button raises all in... he has KQ... so the king on the flop just makes it a joke..
I get knocked out.... basically the last many tournaments have gone this way.... bad beats, lost races, and me struggling my ass off just to stay in the game... I make it about 1.5 hours in and make it to the top 30% in almost all of these...... but cant break into the top 10% with this luck...
Im not the best player, but I know those above situations were handles 90% well, and it didnt matter, cant really misplay going all in preflop with AA and KK unless you have insane reads. (the kk that is)
Im not on tilt, Im not super angry, just a little frustrated and wondering when/if/how this will stop..... I've gone through 1/2 my bankroll in the last 3 days, and I normally finish in the money 1/3 or 1/4 times in a good sized tourney...
Anyway, Im probably blind to something so any input is appreciated as always, I am FAR from perfect...