Rock Star
Silver Level
lets say your on the button with a 7-8 of hearts and someone raises (2 times) the blind you call and everyone else folds and the flop comes 5-6-Q rainbow, the original raiser makes a sizeable bet of (2 or 3 times) the blind what do you do? you have a open ended nut straight draw with a rainbow flop, most people would call but i think thats wrong, in this situation i would raise, the reason i would raise is because there's no possible flush or boat on the board and your buying yourself a free card, by free card i mean that if he calls your raise you can be pretty sure he's going to check to you after the turn card comes out because you showed strength by raising his bet instead of just calling his initial raise and letting him control the hand, know the turn comes A and he checks to you, now you have the option of stabbing at the pot but i wouldn't recomend that because he did raise pre flop so he's representing big cards or a pair, so you check and get to see if you hit or miss on the river for free, i find this very useful because most people are going to bet more on the turn then they did on the flop, and lets say you do hit on the river, he's never going to put you on a straight because of your raise and you are most likely to get paid off if he has a decent hand.