Silver Level
Ok Bill, when i started on CC about a year ago i felt that i was an un-educated newbie, but in the last year i felt that i have improved my game enough to challenge your knowledge
So the disagreement is the big pair debate.
So big pairs give implied odds to your opponent, fine. But get all-in pre-flop its ok ???? Hardly sturdy poker..........
Isolating one player pre-flop is surely the same as getting all-in, the big difference is that you get a second chance to get off the hand on the flop.
So you hold AA UTG, raise 4XBB and get 1 caller, your out of positon and your single opponent knows it, so he pushes regardless of the flop (unless its expectional) you HAVE TO CALL. All in pre-flop and on the flop is the same thing surely, of course there is times you have to flop but the VAST MAJORITY of times your still ahead..............Ok if you fail to isolate one player and 2 or indeed 3 call your raise then think again, but heads up....
Nah......... Not for me.
By the book stuff, safe, win little safe pots all the time ???
Opnions ?
So the disagreement is the big pair debate.
So big pairs give implied odds to your opponent, fine. But get all-in pre-flop its ok ???? Hardly sturdy poker..........
Isolating one player pre-flop is surely the same as getting all-in, the big difference is that you get a second chance to get off the hand on the flop.
So you hold AA UTG, raise 4XBB and get 1 caller, your out of positon and your single opponent knows it, so he pushes regardless of the flop (unless its expectional) you HAVE TO CALL. All in pre-flop and on the flop is the same thing surely, of course there is times you have to flop but the VAST MAJORITY of times your still ahead..............Ok if you fail to isolate one player and 2 or indeed 3 call your raise then think again, but heads up....
Nah......... Not for me.
By the book stuff, safe, win little safe pots all the time ???
Opnions ?