Would you ever be calling this large river bet from villian?



Silver Level
Jun 4, 2023
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Hello Guys,

I should have really put a larger bet or raised his C bet on the turn to flush out any flush draws he had just a misplay, maybe because i had AA i overvalued them and i slow played the AA on flop and turn.

But lets say you end up with four spades with AA no spade.

I ended up calling a $0.78c bet which he put in to a $1 pot I calculated wrongly that to have a spade for him its (9 x 2)+1 so 19% so i did $1 - 0.19 which was 0.81c so a 0.79c bet I would call, but he had two chances to have a spade due to four spades on the board so he had around 38% chance to have a spade, so should be calling only from a $1 pot if he is betting a maximum of 62 cents not the 78 cents he bet.

Apart from the wrong calculation that he had two chances to have one spade not one chance , am i going the right way about this? Again if I wasn't blinded by the power of aces I would have done a 75% pot C bet on the flop or raised his flop bet x3 to stop flush draws.

Kindest Regards,

Jack Miller


  • instead of slow play AA, there was two spades so you needed larger bet to snuff out flush draw...png
    instead of slow play AA, there was two spades so you needed larger bet to snuff out flush draw...png
    339 KB · Views: 31


Rock Star
Bronze Level
Jun 6, 2013
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you had 2 options and that depends if you have already analyzed the player: 1- bet when you see the flop 75%-100% of the pot, if he pays you the bet and sees another spike in the turn, you pass, if he passes and you see the river another spike he will surely have color, if you pass and he bets then fold without thinking about it. 2- all-in pre flop or when he sees the flop and pray! Since because of the number of players at the table there are more odds outside and the chances of him winning you were greater than yours. It's my thinking that we don't all have the same strategy.


Jun 3, 2019
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Its difficult to analyse a hand properly without knowing the action of all streets. But in general I would not be calling a river bet without a flush, when there are 4 cards to a flush on the board. People tend to not find many bluffs in that situation, and obviously he is never betting a worse hand for value. So as I think, you know, your AA has pretty much been turned into dust, and even a set would be an easy fold for me.


Rock Star
Bronze Level
Jul 29, 2023
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If you slow play aces, PokerGod will punish you keep this in mind play accordingly and analyzing the situation and for your question no I wouldn’t have called that bet on river after there are 4 spades and you don’t have none I would not even second guess of calling that bet just because I have aces.


May 7, 2020
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Its difficult to analyse a hand properly without knowing the action of all streets. But in general I would not be calling a river bet without a flush, when there are 4 cards to a flush on the board. People tend to not find many bluffs in that situation, and obviously he is never betting a worse hand for value. So as I think, you know, your AA has pretty much been turned into dust, and even a set would be an easy fold for me.

Like you say not knowing the betting action before hand, does leave a lot of unanswered questions, I once played Ace/10 Heart suited and hit 2 pair on an A,10,7, flop all spades, the villain bet 200 on the flop, 200 on a 3 of Hearts Turn card, When the River dropped another Spade, I was ready to give up on the hand, and he bet out 600.
Now considering there were 3 of us in this pot until the River I assumed one of them must have had a Spade in his hand, so I got ready to muck my 2 Pair, the 3rd player folded leaving me and the Villain, and I still to this day do not know what I saw in this guy's face but something told me to call, When I said to him I don't have a Spade, but I am going to keep you honest, I call, I turned my 2 Pair and he immediately mucked his hand. now the dealer asked me if I wanted to see his cards as I had called and he should have shown his hand but I said it's not important and the villain admitted he had folded A/K of Diamonds.
The 3rd player who had folded 1st could not believe I had called as he had folded the 2 of Spades thinking he was beat, and the only one of us with a Spade in his hand.
That's Poker :)


Dark Lord of the Sith
Bronze Level
Dec 4, 2017
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Hello Guys,

I should have really put a larger bet or raised his C bet on the turn to flush out any flush draws he had just a misplay, maybe because i had AA i overvalued them and i slow played the AA on flop and turn.

But lets say you end up with four spades with AA no spade.

I ended up calling a $0.78c bet which he put in to a $1 pot I calculated wrongly that to have a spade for him its (9 x 2)+1 so 19% so i did $1 - 0.19 which was 0.81c so a 0.79c bet I would call, but he had two chances to have a spade due to four spades on the board so he had around 38% chance to have a spade, so should be calling only from a $1 pot if he is betting a maximum of 62 cents not the 78 cents he bet.

Apart from the wrong calculation that he had two chances to have one spade not one chance , am i going the right way about this? Again if I wasn't blinded by the power of aces I would have done a 75% pot C bet on the flop or raised his flop bet x3 to stop flush draws.

Kindest Regards,

Jack Miller
I think that in situations like this we must accelerate the size of the pot as long as we own some spade. When we own no spades we must polarize our c-bet flop and when it completes a flush we definitely must slow down and many times we should fold. The reason is that weak players love to chase flushes and they will go for big pots even when they own 3s2s, for this specific case, so we must tag these guys as some specil type of recreational, the "Flush Chaser" and as Polished Poker describes "SOOT", i.e, a player which will pursuit any type of flush no matter if it has 32s.
At lower limits we are never too wrong when we decide to go with AA postflop in spite of the board configuration, for recreational players are often calling with dominate hands.