Silver Level
Hello Guys,
I should have really put a larger bet or raised his C bet on the turn to flush out any flush draws he had just a misplay, maybe because i had AA i overvalued them and i slow played the AA on flop and turn.
But lets say you end up with four spades with AA no spade.
I ended up calling a $0.78c bet which he put in to a $1 pot I calculated wrongly that to have a spade for him its (9 x 2)+1 so 19% so i did $1 - 0.19 which was 0.81c so a 0.79c bet I would call, but he had two chances to have a spade due to four spades on the board so he had around 38% chance to have a spade, so should be calling only from a $1 pot if he is betting a maximum of 62 cents not the 78 cents he bet.
Apart from the wrong calculation that he had two chances to have one spade not one chance , am i going the right way about this? Again if I wasn't blinded by the power of aces I would have done a 75% pot C bet on the flop or raised his flop bet x3 to stop flush draws.
Kindest Regards,
Jack Miller
I should have really put a larger bet or raised his C bet on the turn to flush out any flush draws he had just a misplay, maybe because i had AA i overvalued them and i slow played the AA on flop and turn.
But lets say you end up with four spades with AA no spade.
I ended up calling a $0.78c bet which he put in to a $1 pot I calculated wrongly that to have a spade for him its (9 x 2)+1 so 19% so i did $1 - 0.19 which was 0.81c so a 0.79c bet I would call, but he had two chances to have a spade due to four spades on the board so he had around 38% chance to have a spade, so should be calling only from a $1 pot if he is betting a maximum of 62 cents not the 78 cents he bet.
Apart from the wrong calculation that he had two chances to have one spade not one chance , am i going the right way about this? Again if I wasn't blinded by the power of aces I would have done a 75% pot C bet on the flop or raised his flop bet x3 to stop flush draws.
Kindest Regards,
Jack Miller