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Weak Sauce!



Rock Star
Silver Level
Jul 29, 2005
Total posts
Check this out...

Dealer: Game #3007603530 starts.
Dealer: Foyan25 posts small blind [$0.10].
Dealer: soadwes1 posts big blind [$0.25].
Dealer: BigK9 posts big blind [$0.25].
Dealer: ** Dealing down cards **
[2 A 9 J] dont remember suits....
Dealer: LoserMike calls [$0.25].
Dealer: thebeavs folds.
Dealer: BigK9 checks.
Dealer: jdmoore06 calls [$0.25].
Dealer: eot55 calls [$0.25].
Dealer: Foyan25 raises [$0.40].
Dealer: soadwes1 calls [$0.25].
Dealer: LoserMike calls [$0.25].
Dealer: BigK9 calls [$0.25].
Dealer: jdmoore06 calls [$0.25].
Dealer: eot55 calls [$0.25].
Dealer: ** Dealing Flop ** [ 2s, 4s, 2h ]
Dealer: Foyan25 bets [$2].
Dealer: soadwes1 calls [$2].
Dealer: LoserMike calls [$2].
Dealer: BigK9 folds.
Dealer: jdmoore06 folds.
Dealer: eot55 folds.
Dealer: ** Dealing Turn ** [ 9d ]
Dealer: Foyan25 checks.
Dealer: soadwes1 bets [$5].
Dealer: LoserMike is all-In [$21.65]
Dealer: Foyan25 folds.
Dealer: soadwes1 is all-In [$16.19]
Dealer: ** Dealing River ** [ 4h ]
Dealer: soadwes1 shows a full house, Twos full of nines.
Dealer: LoserMike shows a full house, Fours full of twos.
#3007603530: LoserMike wins $0.46 from side pot #1 with a full house, Fours full of twos.
#3007603530: LoserMike wins $48.83 from the main pot with a full house, Fours full of twos.
#3007603530: There was no qualifying low hand.

How many outs did he have to beat me?
F Paulsson

F Paulsson

euro love
Silver Level
Aug 24, 2005
Total posts
Minimum 2, maximum 5. Depends on what his fourth card was.


Rock Star
Silver Level
Jul 29, 2005
Total posts
If he had 2 outs on the river... does that make me like a 92% favorite on that hand at the turn? Sheesh... 92... gotta love those miracle cards on the river. I guess I get those every once in a while too, so it evens out. But still sucks at the moment. BTW partypoker has one of the easiest bonuses to clear...
F Paulsson

F Paulsson

euro love
Silver Level
Aug 24, 2005
Total posts
Before the river, if he had two outs, there were 40 cards left in the deck, 2 of which would give him the win. That's one in 20, so you were 95% to win that hand before the river.

Unless his fourth card was a T, J, Q, K or A, in which case you 87.5% (1 - 5/40) favorite.

Yeah, that's a tough break. It's almost up there with BBB's monster runner-runner when I went all-in on the flop with 6-6, flop was AJ6. BBB had A5 or something, and the turn shows an A, and the river shows an A, for her four of a kind :p I was a 98.4% favorite on the flop, says cardplayer.com's odds calculator.

Sorry, I'm obligated by law to bring that up at least once every three weeks, and this seemed like a good time. ;)


Rock Star
Silver Level
Jul 29, 2005
Total posts
Did you have $25 on the line? That may not seem like alot to some, but that is quite a bit of money for me... Oh well, as everyone recomends: DON'T play with your entire bankroll. Yet another example... I followed the rules, and can live to play another day... (I have already recovered about 15 of it back at the tables today...)


Rock Star
Silver Level
Jul 29, 2005
Total posts
I would like to add this hand to thread... This is about 3 hours later of playing. There are downs like above and ups like below! Stick with it...

***** Hand History for Game 3010308504 *****
$25 PL Omaha Hi/Lo - Wednesday, November 09, 20:18:05 EDT 2005
Table Table 65757 (real money)
Seat 7 is the button
Total number of players : 10
Seat 4: jtown63 ( $5.50 )
Seat 5: davebreal ( $55.66 )
Seat 6: fishjs ( $102.10 )
Seat 7: AsdfPoij ( $58.35 )
Seat 10: soadwes1 ( $18.21 )
Seat 1: BiffJones ( $15.29 )
Seat 9: Joey_Knish ( $21.94 )
Seat 3: AmourOfGod ( $28.44 )
Seat 8: AweSumLay ( $24.05 )
Seat 2: wwrodeostar ( $7.62 )
AweSumLay posts small blind [$0.10].
Joey_Knish posts big blind [$0.25].
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to soadwes1 [ Td 2c Ks Ad ]
soadwes1 calls [$0.25].
BiffJones calls [$0.25].
wwrodeostar calls [$0.25].
AmourOfGod folds.
jtown63 folds.
davebreal folds.
fishjs calls [$0.25].
AsdfPoij folds.
AweSumLay folds.
Joey_Knish checks.
** Dealing Flop ** [ 8d, 4c, Qd ]
Joey_Knish checks.
soadwes1 checks.
BiffJones checks.
wwrodeostar bets [$1].
fishjs calls [$1].
Joey_Knish folds.
soadwes1 calls [$1].
BiffJones folds.
** Dealing Turn ** [ 6c ]
soadwes1 checks.
wwrodeostar bets [$4.15].
fishjs calls [$4.15].
soadwes1 raises [$10].
wwrodeostar is all-In.
fishjs calls [$5.85].
** Dealing River ** [ 9d ]
soadwes1 is all-In.
fishjs calls [$6.96].
soadwes1 shows [ Td, 2c, Ks, Ad ] a flush, ace high.
soadwes1 shows 8,6,4,2,A for low.
wwrodeostar doesn't show [ 4s, As, Th, 4h ] three of a kind, fours.
fishjs shows [ Kd, Qc, 6d, Jh ] a flush, king high.
soadwes1 wins $10.07 from side pot #1 with a flush, ace high with ace kicker.
soadwes1 wins Lo ($10.06) from side pot #1 with 8,6,4,2,A.
soadwes1 wins $11.16 from the main pot with a flush, ace high with ace kicker.
soadwes1 wins Lo ($11.15) from the main pot with 8,6,4,2,A.