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is this for real???



Silver Level
Sep 23, 2007
Total posts
this isnt an OMG IS online poker RIGGED THREAD

just a question

full tilt poker Game #3831869930: Table Tyndall - $0.25/$0.50 - No Limit Hold'em - 10:47:36 ET - 2007/10/12
Seat 1: RiverBoatRat ($29.95)
Seat 2: grosk75 ($87.85)
Seat 3: Ashley Judd ($49)
Seat 4: DieDjeej ($49.95)
Seat 5: SolidStrong ($50.75)
Seat 6: daznkidd ($116.60)
Seat 7: sonofagun89 ($48.40)
Seat 8: Koppal ($23.25)
Seat 9: BallzD33p ($50)
DieDjeej posts the small blind of $0.25
SolidStrong posts the big blind of $0.50
The button is in seat #3
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to RiverBoatRat [Qs Ac]
daznkidd raises to $1.75
sonofagun89 folds
Koppal folds
BallzD33p folds
RiverBoatRat calls $1.75
grosk75 has 15 seconds left to act
grosk75 folds
Ashley Judd folds
DieDjeej adds $0.30
DieDjeej folds
SolidStrong has 15 seconds left to act
SolidStrong is sitting out
SolidStrong has timed out
SolidStrong folds
*** FLOP *** [3h 4s Qd]
daznkidd bets $4.25
SolidStrong has returned
RiverBoatRat raises to $17
SolidStrong stands up
daznkidd raises to $55.25
RiverBoatRat calls $11.20, and is all in
daznkidd shows [5d 5c]
RiverBoatRat shows [Qs Ac]
Uncalled bet of $27.05 returned to daznkidd
*** TURN *** [3h 4s Qd] [5h]
*** RIVER *** [3h 4s Qd 5h] [9s]
daznkidd shows three of a kind, Fives
RiverBoatRat shows a pair of Queens
daznkidd wins the pot ($57.65) with three of a kind, Fives
RiverBoatRat is sitting out
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $60.65 | Rake $3
Board: [3h 4s Qd 5h 9s]
Seat 1: RiverBoatRat showed [Qs Ac] and lost with a pair of Queens
Seat 2: grosk75 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: Ashley Judd (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: DieDjeej (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 5: SolidStrong (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 6: daznkidd showed [5d 5c] and won ($57.65) with three of a kind, Fives
Seat 7: sonofagun89 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 8: Koppal didn't bet (folded)
Seat 9: BallzD33p didn't bet (folded)

his preflop raise was too small for anything larger than JJ

how do you make this call?

or did he put me on AK ?

Surely my massive raise should have told him that I was good at that point?

this happens to me in ring games time and time again and its annoying to say the very least.


Rock Star
Silver Level
Oct 3, 2007
Total posts
What the hell was this guy doing?

I mean, I can understand the flop raise to see if you have anything, then you reraised HUGE...I would have folded if I was him...

I mean, you're obviously representing the queen and have him beat...

But no, he puts you all in and hits his trips on the turn...bad play on his part.

You just got screwed really hard but not in the good way, :p

This happened to me before too kinda...

I was playing shorter stakes though...had AA preflop...raised enough to get action...one guy called...well, to make a long story short...he rivered my aces with his 9's...made trips.
But there were a Q and J on the board and he kept CALLING and ended up rivering me...it was bad.

You should find this guy and kick his ass! :)


Cardschat Elite
Silver Level
May 25, 2005
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Surely my massive raise should have told him that I was good at that point?
Why does it? It doesn't tell me that, it tells me that you don't want any further action, and why would you not want further action when you've flopped top pair?

A lot of players would have played this hand a lot cuter than you, either calling to represent a drawing hand with a view to taking a big pot on later street, or would have bet less to try and induce an all-in from an opponent. He's obviously thought you didn't have the goods, and got rewarded for his bravery by getting a lucky suck-out.


Silver Level
Sep 23, 2007
Total posts
I raised huge because I didnt want anymore action. I wanted to end it there and then because a few hands prior he called a 5x BB raise against another player and rivered his draw to completion so I wanted to make it too expesive to call his drawing hand.
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Genso Hikki

Genso Hikki

Cardschat Elite
Silver Level
Oct 9, 2007
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I raised huge because I didnt want anymore action. I wanted to end it there and then because a few hands prior he called a 5x BB raise against another player and rivered his draw to completion so I wanted to make it too expesive to call his drawing hand.


That raise would tell me that you had a queen with a damned good kicker and that you wanted to trash my odds for calling in hopes of a draw or suck out.

From my point of view, you did exactly the right thing and he did not. Sadly, he was rewarded for his bad play. The only positive thing here is that when players like that get lucky on those kinds of donk moves it re-enforces their bad play - which is a good thing for the rest of us.


Silver Level
Sep 23, 2007
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thaks Genso

I dont feel so bad now


Silver Level
Feb 5, 2005
Total posts
Why raise so much with TPTK on the flop? There isnt really a draw to be scared of. Did you think your opponent would raise PF with 56?

Honestly, on a board like that, your re raise doesnt scream 'I have TPTK'. Its screams 'I have a drawing hand and I hope you fold to my re raise because I dont want anymore action' or 'I have a hand, but its probably not the best hand. Im just hoping you fold to my re raise because I dont want anymore action.' And like Rob said, why wouldnt you want any more action in this situation. You should thinking 'YUM! YUM! Let me get the dip cuz Im about to have a table full of chips.' [...that was lame.]

You're raising to announce what you have. You're telling the player and the table 'Hey, I have a Q with a big kicker'. In this situation, this is bad. The object of poker is to win/make money and the way you do so is by forcing your opponents to make the wrong decision. The more wrong decisions your opponents make, the more money you win. The more bad decisions you make, the more money you lose. By you over betting this dry flop with TPTK, you are giving you opponent a chance to fold which means you actually lose money. You want you opponent to betting into you with a hand like 55 in this situation, you don't want to scare them out of the pot.

ETA: Im not saying you made a bad decision. I think you had better options, though. However, you did get your opponent to make the wrong decision and put you all in with a far weaker hand than yours. (Good for you.) However, he got lucky on the turn. (Bad for you.) It hurts, but happens.

ETA again. I was rereading your first post and I read this:
riverboatrat said:
his preflop raise was too small for anything larger than JJ

How did you come to this conclusion? Have you seen how this person plays JJ-AA in EP or is this your thinking because thats how you would play these hands? Your opponent could easily had QQ-AA. Also, the could've easily had hit a set of 3s or 4s. Your opponent could've easily had any these hand and their push all in would not have been a bad play because you had already committed yourself with AQ with your flop reraise. So, not only were you losing possible value with your reraise, your reraise gained you no information and you committed yourself to hand that could potentially be dominated.
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Rising Star
Bronze Level
Oct 7, 2007
Total posts
I have noticed over the years in a nukmbe rof gambling situations - backgammon, poker, etc., that we want to have donks playing against us - until their stupidity costs us money on a particular hand. Then we rail about how could someone be this stupid, etc. The fact is that we need people who mafe mistakes (and sometimes win big hands because of it). The alternative is to have only world class experts to play against and I dount that that is what most of us really want.


Rising Star
Bronze Level
Sep 16, 2007
Total posts
Sometimes I think its just too easy to call online with less than nothing on the hand and then close the eyes and pray...stupid behaviour but happens just too often