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Pocket A's facing ???



Rock Star
Silver Level
Oct 13, 2006
Total posts
I have a feeling I played this hand really badly. Thoughts greatly appreciated please.

Notes on BMONEY0001 are that he's a terrible player, looses lots, but makes tons when he hits his cards. No notes at all on Stealth0.

***** Hand History for Game 5492174838 *****
$100 NL Texas Hold'em - Saturday, December 09, 03:01:32 ET 2006
Table Table 127204 (real money)
Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 10
Seat 4: fozzybear777 ( $125.12 )
Seat 9: nandoserge ( $59.23 )
Seat 3: myxiplx ( $107.48 )
Seat 10: SexyPokerGirl86 ( $119.85 )
Seat 2: Metonym ( $74.80 )
Seat 5: crisstian1 ( $100 )
Seat 8: Swanis_ ( $103.55 )
Seat 6: BMONEY0001 ( $96.80 )
Seat 7: Stealth0 ( $29.05 )
Seat 1: deri24 ( $45.77 )
myxiplx posts small blind [$0.50].
fozzybear777 posts big blind [$1].
deri24 posts big blind [$1].
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to myxiplx [ Ad Ac ]
crisstian1 folds
BMONEY0001 calls [$1]
Stealth0 calls [$1]
Swanis_ folds
nandoserge folds
SexyPokerGirl86 folds
deri24 checks
Metonym folds
myxiplx raises [$4.50]
fozzybear777 folds
BMONEY0001 calls [$4]
Stealth0 calls [$4]
deri24 folds
** Dealing Flop ** [ Tc, 7c, 9d ]
myxiplx checks
BMONEY0001 bets [$6]
Stealth0 calls [$6]
myxiplx calls [$6]
** Dealing Turn ** [ Kh ]
myxiplx ...


plays poker on hard mode
Silver Level
May 16, 2006
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I think you shoulda raised flop to find out where you are and discourage draws on that board. I'd have raised flop to around $20-$24. Now on the turn, you have almost no idea what the other players have and where you stand. Your opponents could have a pretty wide range of hands. The Kh is a good card for you though.
Jack Daniels

Jack Daniels

Charcoal Mellowed
Silver Level
Mar 26, 2005
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yep yep...raise the flop, definitely...two clubs on board plus straight possibilities, make it expensive for the chasers to stay in... Only certain times are right to slow play AA and this isn't one of them...too much board coordination.


Rock Star
Silver Level
Oct 13, 2006
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Yeah, I think I should have raised to find out where I stood, but I really had no idea what kind of hands these two have that they'll limp in, and then call a 4.5x raise...

I think I was waaaay too passive here (unusual for me), my plan was to wait for the turn card, and push here, but then the K hit, I checked and they both carried on the betting...

** Dealing Turn ** [ Kh ]
myxiplx checks
BMONEY0001 bets [$9]
Stealth0 calls [$9]


Rock Star
Silver Level
Apr 20, 2006
Total posts
just pitch it now that you have murdered the hand so badly :) you must raise this flop especially with the description of the player who is leading into you, raise to isolate him! i mean really you don't know where you stand, i'm sure you are ahead sometimes, but if you're ahead right now its only marginally. I think if you were going to continue with the hand you should have led the turn for about a 3/4th pot size bet.


Silver Level
Jun 29, 2005
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I think you've played the hand far too passively. Check-raise the flop if your going to check it. Personally I'd lead the flop for about 2/3 the pot. As stated above flat calling doesn't help you define where you're at.


Silver Level
Jan 8, 2006
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Agree with the consensus here. AA can be a big losing hand when one overplays it by slowplaying it. You were obviously ahead pre-flop and took advantage by raising, but on the flop at the very least you had a bettor and a caller, so why not lob in a healthy raise? If the 8c had come down on the turn, you would have been kicking yourself. But it was a K, which appears pretty harmless, so again throw in a bet and a raise!

In the Titan CC game yesterday, someone went all-in pre-flop with AA because he's aware that they can be tricky to play sometimes, and while I don't necessarily agree with that play, I think he has the right idea that rockets need to be bet while you are ahead. Having pocket aces isn't the equivalent of flopping a nut straight or full house, you're ahead pre-flop but after that you have an overpair and nothing more.

Bet! Raise! Maximize the number of chips you can get into the pot as early as possible!
Jack Daniels

Jack Daniels

Charcoal Mellowed
Silver Level
Mar 26, 2005
Total posts
** Dealing Turn ** [ Kh ]
myxiplx checks
BMONEY0001 bets [$9]
Stealth0 calls [$9]
You need to dump it now. Your concern appears to be more on Stealth than Bmoney. Stealth is now pot committed after callling the turn, though he comes off as weak here by just calling when he should have pushed or folded. Back to bmoney though, he could be on Kx and if your read is right, KT or K9 isn't unreasonable. Heck AK, AT, or A9 is possible for him too. Now he could just be on a small pair as well (or just two clubs) and just testing the waters, but I think you've played this way to passively to consider calling. His range is possibly ATC at this point. Think back to previous betting on other hands and see if you can find a pattern. Will he lead out firing after the original raiser checks and he just flat called? That's a huge risk to take against a possible check raise, so you have to give him credit for a hand or for spotting your weak play this hand or both. Either way, you throw it away.


Silver Level
Jul 6, 2006
Total posts
I say raise the turn because you're probably ahead. If someone comes over the top, then you dump it. OK you haven't played it in a conventional way, but you have no reason to think you're behind. You have to at least call here since you're getting great odds. In fact a call might be better, so you can keep the pot small, and hope no-one completes a draw on the river. You can still fold to a big bet there, but if no-one improves there's a good chance it'll check around and you'll take down a reasonable-sized pot.
Jack Daniels

Jack Daniels

Charcoal Mellowed
Silver Level
Mar 26, 2005
Total posts
I say raise the turn because you're probably ahead. If someone comes over the top, then you dump it. OK you haven't played it in a conventional way, but you have no reason to think you're behind. You have to at least call here since you're getting great odds. In fact a call might be better, so you can keep the pot small, and hope no-one completes a draw on the river. You can still fold to a big bet there, but if no-one improves there's a good chance it'll check around and you'll take down a reasonable-sized pot.
Fair enough, I think. Just realize if we re-raise, we will be going to the showdown with what I preceive as the bigger threat (Stealth0) who is pot committed. And it may be three way to the river as bmoney likely won't come over the top even if he has us beat right now (based on the read we have, he won't pull that trigger, I don't think - which would mean another river decision). And with AA we could very well be ahead, but I don't think there is dominating chance that we are. And we wasted opportunies to thin the field and find out. But re-raising is definitely a viable option.


Rock Star
Silver Level
Dec 11, 2006
Total posts
Got another situation on AA's that I'd like some advice on.
playing 2/4 no limit in a casino, and I get AhAd on the button. No raise into me, so I raise to 20. Small blind and under the gun call, everyone else folds.
Flop comes QhQc7h. Small Blind bets 20, under-the-gun calls. I raise to 60. Small Blind goes all in for around 140, under-the-gun folds.

Now the small blind is fairly tight pre-flop, but I'd caught him trying to bluff me off top pair twice before in the day on the flop and turn. On the other hand, I'd never seen him push all in. Should I call ( I had him covered)?

The answer is I did call, and he had pocket 7's, for 7 full of Q. I got the suckout Q on the river, and won Q full A over his Q full 7.
I think I missplayed it - but should you call a big hand on someone who has consistently tried to bluff you on the small hands?


Silver Level
Jul 6, 2006
Total posts
Got another situation on AA's that I'd like some advice on.
Welcome to Cardschat! Start a new thread in the Hand Analysis forum if you want to talk about a different hand.
Jack Daniels

Jack Daniels

Charcoal Mellowed
Silver Level
Mar 26, 2005
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hehe, I would, but you can't start a thread as a newbie!
Huh? Sure you can. Enter any board on the site that you want to post on and look near the top just under the "User CP" link to find the button. See below...
Thread Button

and if this button isn't there, then PM one of the moderators or Nick.


Rock Star
Silver Level
Oct 13, 2006
Total posts
Well, here's how it turned out in the end.... could not believe what these two were betting with. I was sure I was up against two pair or a set. With the way the betting had been going I felt sure the river was going to be expensive and I didn't feel a pair was a good enough hand for this pot, how wrong can you be...

** Dealing Turn ** [ Kh ]
myxiplx checks
BMONEY0001 bets [$9]
Stealth0 calls [$9]
myxiplx folds
** Dealing River ** [ 4s ]
BMONEY0001 checks
Stealth0 checks
BMONEY0001 shows [ 7s, Qs ]a pair of Sevens.
Stealth0 doesn't show [ 2c, 3c ]high card King.
BMONEY0001 wins $50.35 from the main pot with a pair of Sevens.


Silver Level
Jan 14, 2006
Total posts
easy fold preflop.

in all seriousness, i would raise the turn hard to find out if you are unlucky vs K9/K10, and if called, check call the river if a blank comes out (doesnt complete the draw and/or doesnt give you 2 pair with the 7 or maybe 9)


Rock Star
Silver Level
Oct 13, 2006
Total posts
Yeah, I played it far too passively, but I had no reads on these two and no idea what these guys were holding to limp in from early position and call a 4.5x raise... Bmoney I wasn't too worried about I felt he was trying to buy the pot, it was stealth I thought had a pair and probably hit a monster.

My original plan was to check/call the flop and check/raise on the turn, but with neither player slowing down on the turn I felt sure one of them had a good hand, and even without a good hand the way they were betting I felt they'd call my raise with anything at this point. A's for me seem to be win a small pot or loose a big one, and after a bad run I didn't want to risk loosing a big pot.

So, way too passive, but what on earth were these two thinking...


Silver Level
Jul 6, 2006
Total posts
My original plan was to check/call the flop and check/raise on the turn, but with neither player slowing down on the turn
Huh? How are you going to check-raise the turn if they don't bet? Their bets are pretty small - less than half the pot.

I felt sure one of them had a good hand, and even without a good hand the way they were betting I felt they'd call my raise with anything at this point.
The guy who's betting looks like he's caught some part of the flop, maybe a Ten, and the other guy's probably drawing... again, nothing to make you think you're behind. You have to make the other players FEAR your raises, but it looks like you're the one playing scared.
A's for me seem to be win a small pot or loose a big one, and after a bad run I didn't want to risk loosing a big pot.
In that case follow joosebuck's advice and fold pre-flop. (Maybe take up another pastime like knitting.) You have to risk your money to win more - you can't wait till you flop a lock on the hand before betting or you'll get run over like you did here.


plays poker on hard mode
Silver Level
May 16, 2006
Total posts
lol @ them calling the pre-flop raise with those hands