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Ode to Twizzy



Silver Level
Oct 19, 2004
Total posts
Not sure if any of you are aware of the party poker Bad Beat Jackpot. Well at the time of posting its at $450k. So I have been 2 tabling the 2/4 bad beat tables, in the hope of it hitting whilst I am at a table.

Anyway, whilst this is a somewhat brutal 3 way beat, it doesn't qualify for the honours of hitting the jackpot. Thats saved for quad 8s or better.

Anyway read it and weep.

***** Hand History for Game 3245394418 *****
$2/$4 Texas Hold'em - Thursday, December 22, 18:55:22 EDT 2005
Table Bad Beat Jackpot #1104562 (real money)
Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 9
Seat 4: Gambledook ( $158.75 )
Seat 1: Nagual05 ( $99.75 )
Seat 10: lil_brookie ( $55 )
Seat 9: texas_dog ( $58.50 )
Seat 7: winterm ( $69.25 )
Seat 6: mcjark ( $94 )
Seat 2: chanbaa33 ( $54.50 )
Seat 8: sand808man ( $75.50 )
Seat 3: Nautorious ( $101 )
mcjark posts small blind [$1].
winterm posts big blind [$2].
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Gambledook [ Ad Ah ]
sand808man raises [$4].
texas_dog folds.
lil_brookie folds.
Nagual05 folds.
chanbaa33 folds.
Nautorious calls [$4].
InTheMuck has joined the table.
Gambledook raises [$6].
mcjark folds.
winterm folds.
sand808man calls [$2].
Nautorious calls [$2].
** Dealing Flop ** [ Qh, Qc, 2s ]
sand808man checks.
Nautorious bets [$2].
Gambledook calls [$2].
sand808man calls [$2].
** Dealing Turn ** [ Ac ]
sand808man checks.
>You have options at Bad Beat Jackpot #1104497 Table!.
Nautorious bets [$4].
Gambledook calls [$4].
sand808man raises [$8].
Nautorious calls [$4].
Gambledook raises [$8].
>You have options at Bad Beat Jackpot #1104497 Table!.
sand808man raises [$8].
Nautorious calls [$8].
Gambledook calls [$4].
** Dealing River ** [ 7c ]
sand808man bets [$4].
Nautorious calls [$4].
Gambledook raises [$8].
sand808man calls [$4].
Nautorious calls [$4].
Gambledook shows [ Ad, Ah ] a full house, Aces full of queens.
sand808man shows [ Qs, As ] a full house, Queens full of aces.
Nautorious doesn't show [ 2c, 2d ] a full house, Twos full of queens.
Gambledook wins $95.50 from the main pot with a full house, Aces full of queens.

Not often you hit a 1 outer eh!


Silver Level
Apr 24, 2005
Total posts
Ok you were beat before the turn.. and by the way ty.. I will definatly have this saved under favorites..

** Dealing Flop ** [ Qh, Qc, 2s ]
sand808man checks.
Nautorious bets [$2].
Gambledook calls [$2].
sand808man calls [$2].

The guy gave you correct odds to call.. I do this myself when holding a pair and a pair flops..With $21.00 in the pot and on a $2.00 bet.. that is 10:1 to call on an 8% chance for the ace to flop. Plus both are after the blinds in early positions... The A,Q ok I can see the pre-flop raise but it is sort of weak pre-flop raise to begin with.. then the 2's called(I can see why the call).. only 1 raise so far to see the flop. Then you re-raise(ding,ding,ding) both should have stop to think for a moment when you did this. The norm anyway is to re-raise with a pretty strong hand which you did. The 2's allready commited so he calls..

Then the weak bet from the one holding the pocket 2's(should have checked) could have possibly got a free card. The A,Q has to re-raise here(possibly to take down the pot but yet calls) You call of course based apon the same odds the pocket 2's is doing.. the odds..

The turn is where all the action takes place.. 2's should be dumping the hand by now cause neither you or the A,Q holder is going to back down. Red flags should be going off by now(what was he hoping) that neither of you had a Q or an A...

I can see why the A,Q stuck around after the turn and you but not the pocket 2's(thats his own damn fault for sticking around).

I wouldn't neccesarily call it a bad beat because of the weak bet on the flop. It was a beat definatly but because both players let you see the next card almost for free.
Jesus Lederer

Jesus Lederer

Rock Star
Silver Level
May 9, 2005
Total posts
twizzy, the game was limit. The opponent couldn´t bet more...


Silver Level
Apr 24, 2005
Total posts
Thats probably the reason why I won't play them.. I like to control the action.. Cause a weak bet like that after the flop(thanks to the limitation) one would be a fool not to call the bet with either pockets..But hey I just read it as it was(didn't say limit/didn't say no limit).. and they way people bet now a days(trying to keep the strength hidden) who knows it may have been a no limit game..

With limit you can't scare a flea of a mouse's ass but in no limit you could scare your neighbors dead dog into being reborn.


Silver Level
Oct 19, 2004
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May I just point out the reason the pocket 2s bet out on the flop was that he has a full house 222QQ.

He had the best hand at this point and was only going to be losing to Q2. When the A comes he would then have been losing to AQ or AA, which we both happened to have. Folding a full house in limit with a pot that big is tough to do.

We could have both had AK for example. He is even beating KK JJ, though its totally possible I may have reraised preflop with a lower pair. (I play tricky like that, specially if I think they have AK or AQ etc)

Had the Ace not came on the turn, no doubt there would have been reraising between the other two and I would have had to think one of them had an A and I needed to dump my AA.

Had AQ man reraised on the flop, 22 dude would have probably capped it and again I would have had to think I was beaten. Thankfully AQ decided to slow play the trips and was obviously thinking about reraising on the turn (something I would have probably done).

To a degree the hand kind of played itself out. Was a tad surprised neither of them put in an extra raise on the river, but it was a nice pot non the less.

Oh and for the record you can make scare bets in limit, just depends on the player and what cards are on the board and how the betting has gone up till now.
Kj Sexton

Kj Sexton

Rock Star
Silver Level
Dec 23, 2005
Total posts
And this is why , pocket pairs under 10 are more then iffy. (I still don't consider 9's good enough preflop) But hindsight is always twenty/twenty...poor dueces....


Silver Level
Oct 19, 2004
Total posts
JJ sucks just as much as 1010 and 99