Silver Level
This is a bitch of a spot. All sorts of ranges here, I dont really mind getting in vs the shortstacks, but how much do i bet here that lets me get away if the big stack wakes up.
Stacks: - elunico99 with $51.45 - noemie77 with $41.15 - Amélie with $89.20 - king_noth_ with $120.10 - Spagiari with $133.35 - nazareneoh with $221.80 - tenbob with $141.05 - CSHall with $71.30 - donvito71 with $35.20
Blinds: $0.00/$0.00
Site: Pokerstars
- Dealt to tenbob:
- Sklansky group 1
- 1 players fold.
- donvito71 calls [$1]
- noemie77: checks
- 2 players fold.
- king_noth_ calls [$1]
- 1 players fold.
- nazareneoh calls [$0.50]
- tenbob raises $5.50 to $6.50
- donvito71 calls [$5.50]
- noemie77 calls [$5.50]
- 1 players fold.
- nazareneoh calls [$5.50]
- Total folds this street: 5
- Potsize: $27
- nazareneoh: checks
- tenbob bets how much ???????????
Stacks: - elunico99 with $51.45 - noemie77 with $41.15 - Amélie with $89.20 - king_noth_ with $120.10 - Spagiari with $133.35 - nazareneoh with $221.80 - tenbob with $141.05 - CSHall with $71.30 - donvito71 with $35.20
Blinds: $0.00/$0.00
Site: Pokerstars
- Dealt to tenbob:
- Sklansky group 1
- 1 players fold.
- donvito71 calls [$1]
- noemie77: checks
- 2 players fold.
- king_noth_ calls [$1]
- 1 players fold.
- nazareneoh calls [$0.50]
- tenbob raises $5.50 to $6.50
- donvito71 calls [$5.50]
- noemie77 calls [$5.50]
- 1 players fold.
- nazareneoh calls [$5.50]
- Total folds this street: 5
- Potsize: $27
- nazareneoh: checks
- tenbob bets how much ???????????