Rock Star
Silver Level
got this hand today :
1/2 $ LHE
first player limps in everyone folds , im SB and hold KQ offs , i raise to get the BB out and to have a heads up with the limper ( a semi loose player ) .
after my raise , BB folds and the limper reraises , i call . the pot is now
7 $ .
The flop comes KQ10 rainbow . im first to act and bet 1 , the limper calls .
Pot is now 9 $ .
And now the turn card - its a Jack .
So the board is now KQJ10 .
i check and he bets 2 $
i folded since i was pretty sure he had an ace
but now i think since there were 11 $ in the pot and i had 4 outs to get a full house and another 4 outs to get a split pot (ace ) maybe i should have called here .
suggestions ?
Ty , Poo_Poo
1/2 $ LHE
first player limps in everyone folds , im SB and hold KQ offs , i raise to get the BB out and to have a heads up with the limper ( a semi loose player ) .
after my raise , BB folds and the limper reraises , i call . the pot is now
7 $ .
The flop comes KQ10 rainbow . im first to act and bet 1 , the limper calls .
Pot is now 9 $ .
And now the turn card - its a Jack .
So the board is now KQJ10 .
i check and he bets 2 $
i folded since i was pretty sure he had an ace
but now i think since there were 11 $ in the pot and i had 4 outs to get a full house and another 4 outs to get a split pot (ace ) maybe i should have called here .
suggestions ?
Ty , Poo_Poo