Rock Star
Silver Level
According to my buddies, this was my worst one from last night.
I'm seated beside the button, 1/2 no limit, with about 120 in my stack. Very loose table - the only tight guy in the hand is in the BB. I've got [5d][6d]. Middle position (MP) limps, I limp, button raises to 6. SB, BB, MP all call. I'm getting decent odds on my money ($4 to a $26 pot) so I call too.
Flop comes out [7d][8d][Ah], pot is $27 ($3 rake)
Blinds check, Middle Position bets $20, my turn to decide. I think a long time, and eventually fold it. At the time I felt it was the right play - playing to the double-draw seems like a bad idea, both because my flush would be weak if I hit, and because it was not likely that there would be more than one caller (so probably bad odds).
My buddy, at the end of the hand, said he would have called, and called it my worst laydown of the night. For kicks, I polled the table, and just about everyone said they would call too. The consensus was that the implied odds were very much in my favor, even if the mathematical pot odds were not. Basically, I had a chance to take down a huge pot if I hit the straight flush, a reasonable chance at being the only regular flush if that hit, and a chance at a winning straight.
2 outs for straight-flush
7 outs for low-flush
4 outs for best straight (the 4 coming off)
4 outs for bottom end straight (the 9's)
What does everyone think? I'll tell ya how it ended later.
I'm seated beside the button, 1/2 no limit, with about 120 in my stack. Very loose table - the only tight guy in the hand is in the BB. I've got [5d][6d]. Middle position (MP) limps, I limp, button raises to 6. SB, BB, MP all call. I'm getting decent odds on my money ($4 to a $26 pot) so I call too.
Flop comes out [7d][8d][Ah], pot is $27 ($3 rake)
Blinds check, Middle Position bets $20, my turn to decide. I think a long time, and eventually fold it. At the time I felt it was the right play - playing to the double-draw seems like a bad idea, both because my flush would be weak if I hit, and because it was not likely that there would be more than one caller (so probably bad odds).
My buddy, at the end of the hand, said he would have called, and called it my worst laydown of the night. For kicks, I polled the table, and just about everyone said they would call too. The consensus was that the implied odds were very much in my favor, even if the mathematical pot odds were not. Basically, I had a chance to take down a huge pot if I hit the straight flush, a reasonable chance at being the only regular flush if that hit, and a chance at a winning straight.
2 outs for straight-flush
7 outs for low-flush
4 outs for best straight (the 4 coming off)
4 outs for bottom end straight (the 9's)
What does everyone think? I'll tell ya how it ended later.