$25 NL HE 6-max: Bad River call?



Silver Level
Apr 7, 2021
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Game Format
No Limit
Table Format
6-max (6 seats)
Pacific Poker - $0.25 NL FAST (6 max) - Holdem - 6 players
Hand converted by PokerTracker 4

BTN: 100 BB
Hero (SB): 137.4 BB
BB: 126.52 BB

UTG: 104.84 BB
MP: 100.76 BB
CO: 63.08 BB

Hero posts SB 0.4 BB, BB posts BB 1 BB

Pre Flop: (pot: 1.4 BB) Hero has K:diamond: Q:diamond:

fold, fold, fold, BTN raises to 2.52 BB, Hero raises to 10.08 BB, BB raises to 17.64 BB, fold, Hero calls 7.56 BB

I know nothing about the villain, only seen 12 hands - I think the 3Bet here and calling the 4Bet is fine as the 4bet is a little small, so I am getting good pot odds.

Flop: (37.8 BB, 2 players) 6:diamond: J:spade: K:club:
Hero checks, BB bets 13.44 BB, Hero calls 13.44 BB

Check in-flow and call is fine as it is a standard c-bet. I put his value range as AA, JJ, TT, he is probably not 4betting 66 or KT(right?), I am blocking KK, QQ, QJ but he could have these hands. Bluffs including AQ (which I block), Ax suited, QTs which I block, but I don't think he cold 4bets with QTs

My range does not include AA, KK, AK (maybe) but I think includes QQ, JJ, TT, KQ, KJ, KT (maybe)

I am still learning to construct ranges in game so any thoughts on both our ranges would be helpful

Turn: (64.68 BB, 2 players) T:club:
Hero checks, BB bets 25.32 BB, Hero calls 25.32 BB

AQ, TT, gets there - his value range is still in play, but I think his bet is small and does not protect potentially vulnerable hands like QQ, QJ, QT - which I block
My range remains unchanged I think, I think I am more likely to check raise JJ perhaps

Again, happy to get peoples thoughts on what my and villains ranges should be here

River: (115.32 BB, 2 players) 4:spade:
Hero checks, BB bets 70.12 BB and is all-in, Hero calls 70.12 BB

Eek! ok - villains value range is... AQ, KK (which I block), JJ, TT
My value range (I think) can have QQ, JJ, TT, AQ, KQ, KJ

Villains bluffs are AXs,

I think I am crushed by his value range so in retrospect, I think this is a bad call on the river. As the population under bluff back door flushes on the flop and bluffs on the river. I also think villain is not likely to 4Bet all his bluffs pre flop.

Again I am happy to get your thoughts on both our ranges.

Hero shows K:diamond: Q:diamond: (One Pair, Kings)
(Pre 48%, Flop 92%, Turn 93%)
BB shows 9:spade: 9:heart: (One Pair, Nines)
(Pre 52%, Flop 8%, Turn 7%)
Hero wins 242.8 BB


Platinum Level
Oct 26, 2022
Total posts
Even on the turn it's difficult to think of enough bluffs, so I think this is probably a fold on turn or river.

Difficult to fully range villain in this configuration, but he could have as many as 12 combos of AQ plus 7 set combos. You even lose to AK that didnt know what to do. Bluffs are pretty few and far between, A5s and ATs, I cant think of any other logical ones, but he could be randomly punting.


Dark Lord of the Sith
Bronze Level
Dec 4, 2017
Total posts
Pre Flop: (pot: 1.4 BB) Hero has K:diamond: Q:diamond:

fold, fold, fold, BTN raises to 2.52 BB, Hero raises to 10.08 BB, BB raises to 17.64 BB, fold, Hero calls 7.56 BB
The price to call is good but we must be aware that many times we will be dominated by AK and KK for example.
I know nothing about the villain, only seen 12 hands
Having no information about villain we could’ve folded too: actually, we are mixing between calling and folding. We like to call here when we have more information about villain.
Flop: (37.8 BB, 2 players) 6:diamond: J:spade: K:club:
Hero checks, BB bets 13.44 BB, Hero calls 13.44 BB

Check in-flow and call is fine as it is a standard c-bet. I put his value range as AA, JJ, TT, he is probably not 4betting 66 or KT(right?)
Yes, we have to call this sizing. His value range includes these hands aforementioned but we must be aware that “blocking” means villain has less combos of AK, AQ, KK, etc, not that villain has none of these combos.
Turn: (64.68 BB, 2 players) T:club:
Hero checks, BB bets 25.32 BB, Hero calls 25.32 BB

AQ, TT, gets there - his value range is still in play, but I think his bet is small and does not protect potentially vulnerable hands like QQ, QJ, QT - which I block
My range remains unchanged I think, I think I am more likely to check raise JJ perhaps
Villain could’ve bet small here because he doesn’t have any combos of clubs. Because this is not a single raised pot but a 4-bet pot. If villain bets too much for protection here it would have to jam practically any river card: betting small allows villain to get out of a hard river card when it doesn’t hold on its range, e.g, the combos of clubs.
Here if it comes another diamond instead of a clubs, we could be raising, for we would have equity for the river and blocking potential sequences with our Queen.
River: (115.32 BB, 2 players) 4:spade:
Hero checks, BB bets 70.12 BB and is all-in, Hero calls 70.12 BB
I think that very experienced players would’ve jammed missed draws here, such as A2s-A5s or any AXs, including AJs and AKs of suit of clubs.
I haven’t seen your spoiler yet so I would assume that villain is jamming this river with hands that have us beat, such as AA for example because of the removal.
AA and AQ could’ve played similar lines OTT, betting small for bad rivers. Since this river is not so bad, villain jams his value hands expecting to get calls of dominated hands.
Calling here it’s not so terrible but we must know that we are behind a fair chunk of times, to AA, KK, JJ, TT, AQ, KJ. If villain shows missed draws on the showdown take a note out of it.
It villain shows strange hands that shouldn’t be jamming this river take a note. In any case move on have information about your villain.
But hey: never forget that we don’t call any bet for information. We call because we think we are ahead or slightly winning.


Silver Level
Apr 7, 2021
Total posts
Thank you both - as always this is really helpful.
I think it is overall a mistake to call the river in this spot as I agree the bluffs are hard to find.


Silver Level
Apr 7, 2021
Total posts
If villain shows missed draws on the showdown take a note out of it.
It villain shows strange hands that shouldn’t be jamming this river take a note. In any case move on have information about your villain.
But hey: never forget that we don’t call any bet for information. We call because we think we are ahead or slightly winning.
Let me know if you see the spoiler and your reaction to his river shove based on his actual hand


Dark Lord of the Sith
Bronze Level
Dec 4, 2017
Total posts
Let me know if you see the spoiler and your reaction to his river shove based on his actual hand
SAY WHAT????? Nice hand and good reading!
As I said take a note on this player that it is overbluffing in spots where it shouldn’t be!
Maybe if this villain was playing NLHE 100 it could come up with a bluff like this but NLHE 25? Too much faith.
I would like to know how a solver would’ve played this hand both in hero’s and villain’s shoes... 🤔