Bronze Level
Waiting to play a tornament I decide to play 2 real money tables, both 2c/4c 9 seater NL Holdem. I've only got a dollar on each table, as that's pretty much all I have left on that site. Anyway, one table I get 2,2 as my hand, and on the other table I get 10,10 in my pocket and manage to limp in with both of them. So the flops hit, on the first table it comes 2,2,A(giving me 4 2's) and the other it comes 10,5,5(giving me a full house). What are the odds of two killer hands like that, at the same time??? To cut a long story short, I manage to get myself all in on both tables, but only against one caller each, and naturally win both hands, for a profit of a couple of dollars plus in total. If only I had more money on the table with the two's, as the other guy hit an Ace to 5 straight. Ah well, maybe next time.