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10$ NL Home Game: 97s in 3 bet pot, flops straight



Is drawing with AK
Silver Level
Jan 2, 2007
Total posts
I play a 10$ NL game with about 8 regulars once a month or so. Thusly, we have a lot of history, and everyone at least thinks they have a good read on each other.

My table image: I'm mega-LAG. I limped in preflop twice all night, and I played at least 30% of flops. I've shown down large bluffs on several occasions, won pots with T2os, ect. So lets just say I don't have as much folding equity as I would like.

Villain's table image: He's my roommate, and generally plays a tight game. However, he loosens up as the night goes on, and takes on a more "go home rich or broke, but nothing in between" attitude. Also, he *does not 4-bet preflop* EVER. He for some reason hates playing preflop, I don't know why.

This hand is late in the evening, and there are only 6 players left at the table. I have also recently stacked off with a paired flush draw, and villain knows that I play my draws very fast.

Hand History:
Villain is UTG+1, and has 24$
Hero is button holding :9s4::7s4: and has 31$

Blinds are $0.05 & $0.1
Villain raises to $0.5, folds around to Hero.
Hero re-raises to $1.80, folds back to Villain.
Villain calls $1.80
Pot = $3.75

Flop: :js4::10d4::8s4:

Villain bets $4
Hero ....

So should we just pump it up to $10+ here? Villain knows we play draws fast, but on this board, its likely he has a draw here himself. How can we go about this to get the rest of his stack in?


Silver Level
Mar 12, 2007
Total posts
idk if id make it 10, i might even go higher. If you have a very LAG image you could reraise and/or go all in and nobody could put you on that hand. He has to put you on maybe 2 pair on flop, maybe str8/flush draw, but i dont think he can fold an ak, aq,aj, and any high PP. He might have hit set of jacks but i really gotta think u make it like 12-14, try to raise him enough to where he is going to have to push all in because of pot commitment and not much left over. You flopped a hell of a hand and if he beats you then so be it but you gotta get as much outta this as you can


Silver Level
Feb 2, 2005
Total posts
Agree - we should just play it fast, raising even more than $10.

If villain never 4-bets, he could easily have any number of hands that are willing to stack and that you have crushed, not to mention draws (FD, KQ etc) that could chase too.

Just play it fast and actually shove your remaining ~$22 in here.


Broomcorn's uncle
Bronze Level
Aug 6, 2007
Total posts
Again, agree with playing it fast - it sounds like we're a good chance to get paid off and if your opponent is drawing, it's almost certain to be to a better hand than yours. So get your money in while you're ahead and make it expensive for them to draw.


Is drawing with AK
Silver Level
Jan 2, 2007
Total posts
Aight, there seems to be a big concensus that this is a no-brainer.

Here are the results:

Hand History:
Villain is UTG+1, and has 24$
Hero is button holding :9s4::7s4: and has 31$

Blinds are $0.05 & $0.1
Villain raises to $0.5, folds around to Hero.
Hero re-raises to $1.80, folds back to Villain.
Villain calls $1.80
Pot = $3.75

Flop: :js4::10d4::8s4:

Villain bets $4
Hero raises to $12
Villain thinks for 4 minutes, and folds, showing :kc4::qs4:

I'm worried that since I 3-bet preflop, raising would be folding out a huge portion of the range that I beat and it would scare away draws like this one.

He later said that he put me on some sort of drawing hand like AsKs, or possibly As9s, so at least I was representing a draw correctly. He said it was also possibly that I had JJ+. Either way, the raise was still more than enough to scare away my customer.

So even though it was 3-bet preflop, I suppose the concensus is still to raise here. I'm just not sure if he stacks off with AJ in this situation either, because of the possibility that I'm holding QQ+.


Broomcorn's uncle
Bronze Level
Aug 6, 2007
Total posts
He later said that he put me on some sort of drawing hand like AsKs, or possibly As9s, so at least I was representing a draw correctly. He said it was also possibly that I had JJ+. Either way, the raise was still more than enough to scare away my customer.

So even though it was 3-bet preflop, I suppose the concensus is still to raise here. I'm just not sure if he stacks off with AJ in this situation either, because of the possibility that I'm holding QQ+.

Is it possible then that he doesn't see you as quite the mega-LAG that your first post suggested? He's crediting you with some pretty strong hands, especially in a six-handed game.
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