Sit & Go Domination.



Rock Star
Silver Level
May 26, 2006
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Playing sit and go's not high money but low limit. Since most of these are filled with loose agressive players so this might work. You play really really tight and play,

AA KK - early position go all in, in late position raise anything a big amount or go all in.

QQ AK early bet big but not all inif your in late get a read if your the betst bet big or all in.

Pocket pairs limp in and only bet if you hit trips otherwise fold.

A-X sutited, limp in and only play if you hit flush.

Fold everything else.

Since most of these tournaments are filled with loose players becauser you can play wherever you want and most arent paying attention so you can only play monsters. I think you should be able to get action 70% of the time. But simply double up when you hit one of these hands and play ever tighter and you should hit the money easily.

WHen its down to 4-5 play really agressive and steal the blinds when they are biiger vcalue

SO you guys think this will work?


Silver Level
Feb 2, 2005
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The common strategy for 10-seater SnGs is this:
Tight early, loosen up late :)
the way i play, and it works quite well for me, is that until the table gets 7 or 6 handed, i won't play anything but the top 10 hands. (AA,KK,QQ,AK,JJ,TT,99,88,AQ,77)
I of course will mix it up with AJ/AT type hands if im in LP and the blinds are weak passive players. Actually i'll raise with anything if they're passive enough.
Then slowly i'll start to open my hand selection up.
When you start raising hands, people will be too afraid to play a pot with you because they know (from your earlier play) that you are a tight player, and won't raise or call a raise with a weak hand.
This makes it reeeeal easy to steal the blinds when they start hitting 50/100 and up.
Loosen up to KQ-type hands, then down to KJ types, then QJ/QT/55 types etc etc.
Eventually it gets to the point (like at 3-handed) that your opponents are too afraid to play a pot with you, and they are just sitting there folding until they get a big hand.
Anyways, this is the type of strategy that is widely used and believed in for SnGs
Your strategy is very much the same, thechern - but some hand selection differences (would you limp with JJ or TT?? I know i certainly wouldn't)


Silver Level
May 20, 2005
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Comments in bold.

thechern said:
Playing sit and go's not high money but low limit. Since most of these are filled with loose agressive players so this might work. You play really really tight and play,

AA KK - early position go all in, in late position raise anything a big amount or go all in. (You're lucky if you get one of thses in a sit n go)

QQ AK early bet big but not all inif your in late get a read if your the betst bet big or all in. (Well, yeah. That's king of standard in ANY poker game)

Pocket pairs limp in and only bet if you hit trips otherwise fold. (Depends how high the pair is. Even if you didn't hit your set, you could sit have a good hand. Raise!)

A-X sutited, limp in and only play if you hit flush. (Or you can raise and get everyone out of the pot if you can)

Fold everything else. (By the time you get one of these hands, you chip stack is crippled due to blinds. In other words, you can't keep waiting for these hands to keep coming your way. Loosen up with J, 10/K, J etc. Also, you need to bluff every now and then when the blinds go up)

Since most of these tournaments are filled with loose players becauser you can play wherever you want and most arent paying attention so you can only play monsters. I think you should be able to get action 70% of the time. But simply double up when you hit one of these hands and play ever tighter and you should hit the money easily. (unless you lose by getting outdrawn by a donk who played a garbage hand and hit a flush or straight).

WHen its down to 4-5 play really agressive and steal the blinds when they are biiger vcalue

SO you guys think this will work?


Silver Level
May 25, 2006
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All good points.

Sometimes the hands arent there though, and you really have to start playing your position and the other players. You have to make adjustments if the cards arent hitting and forget about just playing the big hands or you wont make it to the money.


Rising Star
Bronze Level
Jun 7, 2006
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so are the strategies that you guys are using turning in consistent and positive results?


Silver Level
May 11, 2006
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One thing that i've found is that you can't stick to one style in SnG's. Sometimes the table is loose, and you can profit from tight play. Sometimes the table is tight, and you have to trap your opponents into making stupid bets.