Rising Star
Silver Level
I have been playing poker for a while now and i do quite well mostly playing single table sng's (mainly short handed), heads up matches and low limit cash games but whenever i venture into mtt's i do terrible. In the sng's i like to play agressive and try and mix up my play and it seems to work and i feel in control but in a mtt i feel lost, i've tried playing really tight and then being agressive when i catch a hand but i find it hard to accumulate chips that way. I've tried playing looser than i usually do aswell but that doesn't seem to work either. What i usually find is that i don't build my stack quick enough and then as the blinds increase i'm forced all in with hands that i'm not really happy going all in with but i have to. i usually bust out half way through a tourny mostly because of my inability to build a sizeable stack. I really want to improve my mtt play and any advice would be gratefully recieved