The effect of a bounty on your EV

Dorkus Malorkus

Dorkus Malorkus

Silver Level
Jul 12, 2005
Total posts
Point taken, though I still disagree.

The main point of my last post, which I probably didn't stress enough, is that because of the bounty on your head you will not actually be in a shortstacked position as often as if you had no bounty on you. You will either have a nice stack due to people playing too loosely against you in the early stages with deeper stacks, or you will have bust out as the consequence of a bad beat, cold deck, or really poor play on your part. Seeing as the former will happen more often than the latter, you will be in a good position more often than not.

As I said, most of your extra EV comes from the early stages. If and when you do build a stack through opponent's loose play, here's the clincher, you can generally play your standard game against shorter stacked opponents. Some people are stupid and will continue to make loose -EV calls in the hope of depleting your stack so they can perhaps possibly maybe bust you later (you quickly identify and avoid these people without a hand to back yourself up with), however most people who you can bust will steer clear of you for fear of going bust themselves and missing out on both your bounty and a tourney payout.

In any case, this is a tournament. We will need to win 60/40s and coinflips to go deep in the tournament. This applies bounty or no bounty, so I don't see why you're making such a big deal of it here. I'm certainly not suggesting having a bounty on you makes you invincible if you play well enough, but it certainly doesn't harm you as some are suggesting.

Yeah, sometimes you will be short and have to push a marginal hand and get called by an even more marginal hand and lose. It happens. That's the small flipside to what I consider to be a much larger upside.


Silver Level
Jun 17, 2005
Total posts
I think youre likely to build up a large stack quickly in the beginning and from then on be able to survive the bad beats you take. It wont happen every time of course, but I think it would happen enough to make it profitable in the long run to have the bounty on you. I am with Dorkus on this one.