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The art of bluff catching on the river



Jun 3, 2019
Total posts
One of the main exploits is soft micro and low stakes games is to overfold on the river. The reason for that is, that most people in these games are not finding enough bluffs. And for that reason we can bet thin for value but overfold, if we get raised. Or we can just fold, if the opponent bomb the river, and we only beat a bluff. Both these ideas are discussed in this video:

However this does not mean, we NEVER want to bluff catch on the river in soft games. So in this post I will share an example of a hand, where I did bluff catch, and another one, where I let it go, and explain my thought process and rationale.

Hand 1 - call when the story makes no sense

This hand is from a 10$ Fifty/50 SnG on Stars, and the opponent was playing VPIP 35 / PFR 19 over 453 hands. These kind of stats fall somewhere in between a fish and a good strong player. Given the sample size he is clearly someone, who play regularly, and he has also learned the value of raising preflop instead on limping. But he still cant help calling or maybe limping with a lot of hands, that should just be folded. VPIP 35 is way to high, and a 16% gap between VPIP and PFR is also way to much. So he is somewhere in between a fish and a good player. Beginning to improve his game, but still have not quite put all the pieces of the puzzle together. Kind of a bad reg in lack of a better term. With this in mind lets look at the hand:

pokerstars, $9.54 + $0.46 - Hold'em No Limit - 40/80 (5 ante) - 7 players
Hand delivered by CardsChat - https://www.cardschat.com/hand-converter.php

UTG: 2,180 (27 bb)
MP: 1,765 (22 bb)
MP+1: 1,480 (19 bb)
CO: 2,680 (34 bb)
BU: 1,051 (13 bb)
SB: 1,136 (14 bb)
BB (Hero): 1,708 (21 bb)

Pre-Flop: (155) Hero is BB with 4♣ 5♥
5 players fold, SB raises to 160, Hero calls 80

Already here the opponent is taking a line, which I cant really recommend. With a 14BB stack he should push or fold. When he min-raise, he opens himself up to getting rejammed on, and he also allow me to see a cheap flop in position with any two cards. If he dont want to play push-fold, he should limp all his hands, that he want to play. For me I have an easy call even with a hand as bad as 54o.

Flop: (355) 3♦ 6♦ J♥ (2 players)
SB bets 80, Hero calls 80

I flopped an OESD, so clearly I am not folding here. I could raise, but given that the opponent was very short, I might get jammed on, which would kind of suck. I also got a really good price to draw, so I decided to do just that.

Turn: (515) 5♣ (2 players)
SB checks, Hero checks

Now I improved to third pair, which mean, I moved ahead of random bluffs, that he decided to not continue with. I could put out a small bet for protection, but it would still suck to get jammed on, and I also dont mind letting another card roll off, since I can now improve on a 7, 2 or 5. So I decided to check back.

River: (515) 3♠ (2 players)
SB bets 240, Hero calls 240

Now he bet again, and its pretty clear, I only beat a bluff. However he gave me a little better than 3:1, so I only need to be good 25% of the time. And more importantly what is he actually representing here? If he had a J or better, would he have bet so small on the flop and checked the turn? I dont think so, since 5c was a very safe card, and there were a number of draws, he would want to charge or protect against. So when he check the turn, he pretty much never has a J or better. This means, he is essentially saying, that 3s helped him. But 3s only helped hands with a 3 in them. There are not many of those, that raise preflop, and there are even less, when we see two of them on the board.

Maybe he could be going for thin value with a hand like 77-TT or 6X, that checked the turn for pot control. But often those hands are checking the river again, because 3s could potentially have helped me, and there is not that many hands, they can get paid by. Bad players typically also dont go for enough thin value. Finally my hand also look weak to him, after I checked back the turn. So he might feel, this is a decent spot to bluff. All in all I think, there are enough random bluffs in his range to stick in a call, which I did.

Total pot: 995

SB shows Q♥ 9♥ (a pair of Threes)
(equity - Pre-Flop: 65%, Flop: 53%, Turn: 14%, River: 0%)

BB (Hero) shows 4♣ 5♥ (two pair, Fives and Threes)
(Equity - Pre-Flop: 35%, Flop: 47%, Turn: 86%, River: 100%)

BB (Hero) wins 995

Hand 2 - fold when there are no busted draws

This hand is from a 10$ 6-man SnG on PokerStars, and the opponent was playing VPIP 23 / PFR 20 over 908 hands. This player is a SnG regular playing a LAG style. He is not the player, I have the largest amount of hands with, but that is mainly because, 6-max is a relatively new format for me. I consider this player to be a very good regular, who could possibly be a full time professional. At the time of day, this hand was played, there is no action in SnGs higher than 10$, so even the very best players need to move down to find action. With this in mind lets look at the hand:

PokerStars, $9.15 + $0.85 - Hold'em No Limit - 15/30 (4 ante) - 5 players
Hand delivered by CardsChat - https://www.cardschat.com/hand-converter.php

UTG: 1,367 (46 bb)
CO (Hero): 1,121 (37 bb)
BU: 1,339 (45 bb)
SB: 2,827 (94 bb)
BB: 2,346 (78 bb)

Pre-Flop: (65) Hero is CO with A♠ K♣
1 fold, Hero raises to 75, 2 players fold, BB calls 45

Not much to say here. Obviously AKo is a standard open in any game from any seat.

Flop: (185) 8♦ K♦ 3♥ (2 players)
BB checks, Hero bets 74, BB calls 74

Not much to say here either. Obviously TPTK is a standard C-bet for value. Sizing could be debated, but I want to focus mostly on the river decision.

Turn: (333) 8♠ (2 players)
BB bets 113, Hero calls 113

Especially when we have top pair, we need to be aware, that the opponent might have called us on the flop with second or third pair. So the middle card pairing is not great for us. The opponent decides to lead now. As I said, he is a good player, so presumably he understand, that this card is better for his range than mine, and he will be leading with a mix of value and bluffs. I dont think, there is anything to do here other than call. Folding is way to tight especially for this price, and raising would be an overplay.

River: (559) 6♦ (2 players)
BB bets 1,020, CO (Hero) folds

Now the flushdraw completed and he jammed, which was an overbet of nearly 2 times the pot. To call this I need to be good 40% of the time. A player like this is certainly able to pull off a big bluff. But the problem here is, that the only draw just got there, and second pair got there on the turn already. So I only really beat some random stuff here, like maybe AJ or AT with A of diamonds. He is also not applying that much ICM-pressure to me, since we are still 5 players left, and I dont even have the starting stack. And for that reason I think, he is less likely to try to pull off a big bluff, than he would be on the bubble. So I folded, and we will of course never know, if he bluffed me or not.

I hope these two examples were usefull for people, who are relatively new to the game and struggle with figuring out, when to bluff catch on the river, and when to let it go. I am not really looking for feedback on these hands, since they are just meant as examples. But if someone wants to give feedback anyway, and would have done something different, thats fine as well :)


May 25, 2022
Total posts
Definitely a topic I want to work on.

I realised recently that I miss out on value for not betting the river with second pair and I also want to find some good spots for bluff catching.

So thank you, fundiver. Will make sure to check out the video and read through your post later today. 🤩


Bronze Level
Dec 31, 2008
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Not much to say here either. Obviously TPTK is a standard C-bet for value. Sizing could be debated, but I want to focus mostly on the river decision.
Yep, your c- bet is not a bet design to make him go away it looks a bit weak, the same at turn ( which is not good) where you elect to on call, this gives villan pot control, you do not want to do that against a good player, when villan gets pot control and you play weak what will a good player do?

Villan will use that to his advantage, especially on a wet and wetter board because you do not know where you stand in the pot.
KQ, QQ, JJ. KJ even KT and AK can easy be in villans range It is also possible holding could be A8 or diamonds but this is all guess work.


Platinum Level
Mar 18, 2022
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River bluffs are exactly what most players have trouble with in poker. What's more, some of them aren't bluffing at all on this street.You should bluff when and only when you can find better hands to fold. Your table image can be a determining factor in how profitable your river bluffs are. It is best to bluff only if your opponents respect your bets.Bluffing is basically acting, so you have to make sure you act like you actually have a monster hand.


Bronze Level
Dec 11, 2022
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Reading your post and watching just a portion of that video has told me the only thing missing from my online game is software.... I have that info at hand it will change everything especially as mine I realise must lead many and explains a lot lol


Bronze Level
Dec 11, 2022
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I wisjph I could be more serious at Micro as instances like this I pull off over and over again.... I get overly involved at times though and often won’t put a raise down to a 3Bet (what the software will help with lol). This is a few hands in first level.... how he is calling his whole stack lol. I made a fishy turn bet to give him more bluff will on river if he didn’t catch something and what you know... his bet and his excitement to catch the flop blinded him to the degree he assumed I was bluffing and his 1 pair was ahead... alas not. I lost a few hands later with A on the flop with JJ catching up on the turn. Back up there again after just chunking away at a few with QQ.



Bronze Level
Dec 11, 2022
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Promise last one lol. Along with the hand above, do you believe the reason I receive situations where I can massively over bet and get called off owing partly or mostly my tracker stats? It’s a convo I had at the tables playing cash a while back and I never fully understood at the time. Do the trackers differentiate between cash and MTTs/SnGs? Maybe it’s my unorthodox playing style, because I can’t lie the 101 you’ll talk I rip to pieces live, I’m on the forum to stabilise my online play so I can multitable like I used to years back (8 to 16 at a time for an affiliated card room ). And no, it wasn’t any of the accounts associated to me atm.



Jun 3, 2019
Total posts
I wisjph I could be more serious at Micro as instances like this I pull off over and over again.... I get overly involved at times though and often won’t put a raise down to a 3Bet (what the software will help with lol). This is a few hands in first level.... how he is calling his whole stack lol. I made a fishy turn bet to give him more bluff will on river if he didn’t catch something and what you know... his bet and his excitement to catch the flop blinded him to the degree he assumed I was bluffing and his 1 pair was ahead... alas not. I lost a few hands later with A on the flop with JJ catching up on the turn. Back up there again after just chunking away at a few with QQ.
I think, this is a good example of a hand, where the opponent could have bet-folded the river, since you are most likely not finding enough bluffs, when you take this line. Of course the whole hand is a bit non-standard, because he limp-called preflop, which changed the whole dynamics.


Jun 3, 2019
Total posts
Promise last one lol. Along with the hand above, do you believe the reason I receive situations where I can massively over bet and get called off owing partly or mostly my tracker stats?
No I think, it has more to do with the fact, you are playing 1$ SnGs. In this hand the opponent had a big stack, so he could afford to gamble, and the screen name in itself indicate a recreational player. I highly dought, someone like this is even using a HUD. He just wants to have some fun for his dollar, and maybe he thought, your min-raise looked kind of goofy, and that his AK could sometimes be ahead.
Do the trackers differentiate between cash and MTTs/SnGs?
Between cash and tournaments but not between different kind of tournaments.


Bronze Level
Dec 11, 2022
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Omg check this that I was just faced with in the Bounty Builder $2.5k Gtd $1. By the way @fundiver199 this post of yours is the cause of my self challenge, for that I’m truly thankful as it got me thinking as I seriously need to play online just smudge as solidly as my live game. Though I did break yesterday night for an hour.w.. wont be happening again if I can help it lol.. Actually I’ll post the dream situation after this but it’s not micro lol.

Currently sitting in 1st out of 1321 people with that big red target on me lol, this is the hand that took me from 4th to 1st..... Playing it like he had a monster he was scared to have busted vs playing at micro and being greedy expecting oversized bet calls. Either way I realise instantly he was either holding a pair lower than mine or was barrelling expecting a fold through his sheer aggression.

PokerStars, $0.98 + $0.12 - Hold'em No Limit - 90/180 (27 ante) - 8 players
Replay this hand on CardsChat

ARKIMIRI (UTG): 5,992 (33 bb)
+.-K0VidbrayaNN (UTG+1): 14,547 (81 bb)
HPBORTOL (MP): 4,946 (27 bb)
AndreasGrig (MP+1): 3,984 (22 bb)
ASTELIT92 (CO): 24,836 (138 bb)
d3k0nd3k0n (BU): 61,768 (343 bb)

nokee77 (SB): 14,538 (81 bb)
MagikOne75 (BB): 31,262 (174 bb)

Pre-Flop: (486) Hero (d3k0nd3k0n) is BTN with J J
4 players fold, ASTELIT92 (CO) raises to 846, d3k0nd3k0n (BU) calls 846, 2 players fold

Flop: (2,178) 2 2 Q (2 players)
ASTELIT92 (CO) bets 2,178, d3k0nd3k0n (BU) calls 2,178

(6,534) 3 (2 players)
ASTELIT92 (CO) bets 6,534, d3k0nd3k0n (BU) calls 6,534

(19,602) Q (2 players)
ASTELIT92 (CO) bets 15,251 (all-in), d3k0nd3k0n (BU) calls 15,251

Total pot:

ASTELIT92 (CO) shows 4 A (two pair, Queens and Twos)
(Equity - Pre-Flop: 34%, Flop: 18%, Turn: 16%, River: 0%)

d3k0nd3k0n (BU) shows J J (two pair, Queens and Jacks)
(Equity - Pre-Flop: 66%, Flop: 82%, Turn: 84%, River: 100%)

d3k0nd3k0n (BU) wins 50,104
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Platinum Level
May 2, 2020
Total posts
Omg check this that I was just faced with in the Bounty Builder $2.5k Gtd $1. By the way @fundiver199 this post of yours is the cause of my self challenge, for that I’m truly thankful as it got me thinking as I seriously need to play online just smudge as solidly as my live game. Though I did break yesterday night for an hour.w.. wont be happening again if I can help it lol.. Actually I’ll post the dream situation after this but it’s not micro lol.

Currently sitting in 1st out of 1321 people with that big red target on me lol, this is the hand that took me from 4th to 1st..... Playing it like he had a monster he was scared to have busted vs playing at micro and being greedy expecting oversized bet calls. Either way I realise instantly he was either holding a pair lower than mine or was barrelling expecting a fold through his sheer aggression.

PokerStars, $0.98 + $0.12 - Hold'em No Limit - 90/180 (27 ante) - 8 players
Replay this hand on CardsChat

ARKIMIRI (UTG): 5,992 (33 bb)
+.-K0VidbrayaNN (UTG+1): 14,547 (81 bb)
HPBORTOL (MP): 4,946 (27 bb)
AndreasGrig (MP+1): 3,984 (22 bb)
ASTELIT92 (CO): 24,836 (138 bb)
d3k0nd3k0n (BU): 61,768 (343 bb)

nokee77 (SB): 14,538 (81 bb)
MagikOne75 (BB): 31,262 (174 bb)

Pre-Flop: (486) Hero (d3k0nd3k0n) is BTN with J J
4 players fold, ASTELIT92 (CO) raises to 846, d3k0nd3k0n (BU) calls 846, 2 players fold

Flop: (2,178) 2 2 Q (2 players)
ASTELIT92 (CO) bets 2,178, d3k0nd3k0n (BU) calls 2,178

(6,534) 3 (2 players)
ASTELIT92 (CO) bets 6,534, d3k0nd3k0n (BU) calls 6,534

(19,602) Q (2 players)
ASTELIT92 (CO) bets 15,251 (all-in), d3k0nd3k0n (BU) calls 15,251

Total pot:

ASTELIT92 (CO) shows 4 A (two pair, Queens and Twos)
(Equity - Pre-Flop: 34%, Flop: 18%, Turn: 16%, River: 0%)

d3k0nd3k0n (BU) shows J J (two pair, Queens and Jacks)
(Equity - Pre-Flop: 66%, Flop: 82%, Turn: 84%, River: 100%)

d3k0nd3k0n (BU) wins 50,104
You have JJ with 343 blinds, cutoff make a raise with 138 bb's, and you ON THE BUTTON only call? amazing


Bronze Level
Dec 11, 2022
Total posts
You have JJ with 343 blinds, cutoff make a raise with 138 bb's, and you ON THE BUTTON only call? amazing

Yes, he has enough chips to do my substantial damage considering I've been solid since the start. I only have JJ, he could be holding QQ to AA, and back down again that include over cards into flop. By checking I mask the strength of my hand and get to use the benefits of my position. I know his aggressive so I feel it’s the perfect entry to flop.

Consider this.... I repop him and he shoves.... Do I want to flip 30% of my enormous stack on a hunch or simply because I have JJ? The only hands I’d flip here pre is AA and KK against his stack... I might even struggle with KK lol.... Oh wow.. brb to this I’ve got a possible example right now.. just going to play the hand.

This is just now... I’m under the gun with QQ, I don’t want to create mayhem and my chips are for me lol. I’ve played it like this to control future pots on the table and image. I benefit far more playing like I do in larger games where the tables are sat at for longer periods of time.... especially when a newcomer comes.

Come a rail me if you wish, I’m currently first in tournament of ID i believe is at the top of below

EDIT. : It wasn’t lol, Tourney- 3572041322

PokerStars, $0.98 + $0.12 - Hold'em No Limit - 300/600 (90 ante) - 8 players
Replay this hand on CardsChat - https://www.cardschat.com/replayer/425cqrtwt

d3k0nd3k0n (UTG): 144,673 (241 bb)
ras fox (UTG+1): 29,512 (49 bb)
lucarel (MP): 34,869 (58 bb)
easylavandos (MP+1): 21,964 (37 bb)
KloveQ (CO): 8,652 (14 bb)
cabbalistic7 (BU): 7,281 (12 bb)
jacbar45 (SB): 20,396 (34 bb)
Blond Alken (BB): 29,882 (50 bb)

Pre-Flop: (1,620) Hero (d3k0nd3k0n) is UTG with Q♥ Q♦
d3k0nd3k0n (UTG) raises to 1,200, 6 players fold, Blond Alken (BB) calls 600

Flop: (3,420) 6♥ 2♥ 7♠ (2 players)
Blond Alken (BB) checks, d3k0nd3k0n (UTG) bets 2,257, Blond Alken (BB) calls 2,257

Turn: (7,934) K♦ (2 players)
Blond Alken (BB) checks, d3k0nd3k0n (UTG) checks

River: (7,934) 6♦ (2 players)
Blond Alken (BB) checks, d3k0nd3k0n (UTG) bets 2,618, Blond Alken (BB) calls 2,618

Total pot: 13,170

d3k0nd3k0n (UTG) shows Q♥ Q♦ (two pair, Queens and Sixes)
(Equity - Pre-Flop: 84%, Flop: 82%, Turn: 89%, River: 100%)

Blond Alken (BB) mucks 7♣ T♠ (two pair, Sevens and Sixes)
(Equity - Pre-Flop: 16%, Flop: 18%, Turn: 11%, River: 0%)

d3k0nd3k0n (UTG) wins 13,170

Oh, and back to the JJ hand. Like I said his stack could damage me, I have position. It’s a far better move blond into flop and allowed me to benefit as he was clueless he was dominated as he has the Q, he isn’t getting paid betting into me.
Last edited:


Bronze Level
Dec 11, 2022
Total posts
Sheez, I’ve just lost with AA and QQ in 2 hands out of 3. From 190k all the way down to 100k.... I’m grinding again lol in 26th of 351 😩


Bronze Level
Dec 11, 2022
Total posts
Recovering slowly but surely

PokerStars, $0.98 + $0.12 - Hold'em No Limit - 800/1,600 (240 ante) - 8 players
Replay this hand on CardsChat

peska100 (UTG): 56,651 (35 bb)
Kinesfarmer (UTG+1): 50,077 (31 bb)
emirandal (MP): 34,310 (21 bb)
avslavich (MP+1): 59,427 (37 bb)
Blond Alken (CO): 38,340 (24 bb)
d3k0nd3k0n (BU): 101,658 (64 bb)
r.zambrano9 (SB): 71,423 (45 bb)
lucarel (BB): 121,096 (76 bb)

(4,320) Hero (d3k0nd3k0n) is BTN with Q K
3 players fold, avslavich (MP+1) calls 1,600, 1 fold, d3k0nd3k0n (BU) calls 1,600, r.zambrano9 (SB) calls 800, lucarel (BB) checks

Flop: (8,320) A J 4 (4 players)
r.zambrano9 (SB) checks, lucarel (BB) checks, avslavich (MP+1) bets 1,600, d3k0nd3k0n (BU) calls 1,600, r.zambrano9 (SB) folds, lucarel (BB) calls 1,600

Turn: (13,120) T (3 players)
lucarel (BB) checks, avslavich (MP+1) bets 1,600, d3k0nd3k0n (BU) raises to 7,200, lucarel (BB) calls 7,200, avslavich (MP+1) folds

River: (29,120) 2 (2 players)
lucarel (BB) checks, d3k0nd3k0n (BU) bets 30,400, lucarel (BB) calls 30,400

Total pot: 89,920

d3k0nd3k0n (BU) shows Q K (a straight, Ten to Ace)
(Equity - Pre-Flop: 65%, Flop: 27%, Turn: 73%, River: 100%)

lucarel (BB) mucks T 4 (two pair, Tens and Fours)
(Equity - Pre-Flop: 35%, Flop: 73%, Turn: 27%, River: 0%)

d3k0nd3k0n (BU) wins 89,920


Platinum Level
May 2, 2020
Total posts
Yes, he has enough chips to do my substantial damage considering I've been solid since the start. I only have JJ, he could be holding QQ to AA, and back down again that include over cards into flop. By checking I mask the strength of my hand and get to use the benefits of my position. I know his aggressive so I feel it’s the perfect entry to flop.

Consider this.... I repop him and he shoves.... Do I want to flip 30% of my enormous stack on a hunch or simply because I have JJ? The only hands I’d flip here pre is AA and KK against his stack... I might even struggle with KK lol.... Oh wow.. brb to this I’ve got a possible example right now.. just going to play the hand.

This is just now... I’m under the gun with QQ, I don’t want to create mayhem and my chips are for me lol. I’ve played it like this to control future pots on the table and image. I benefit far more playing like I do in larger games where the tables are sat at for longer periods of time.... especially when a newcomer comes.

Come a rail me if you wish, I’m currently first in tournament of ID i believe is at the top of below

EDIT. : It wasn’t lol, Tourney- 3572041322

PokerStars, $0.98 + $0.12 - Hold'em No Limit - 300/600 (90 ante) - 8 players
Replay this hand on CardsChat - https://www.cardschat.com/replayer/425cqrtwt

d3k0nd3k0n (UTG): 144,673 (241 bb)
ras fox (UTG+1): 29,512 (49 bb)
lucarel (MP): 34,869 (58 bb)
easylavandos (MP+1): 21,964 (37 bb)
KloveQ (CO): 8,652 (14 bb)
cabbalistic7 (BU): 7,281 (12 bb)
jacbar45 (SB): 20,396 (34 bb)
Blond Alken (BB): 29,882 (50 bb)

Pre-Flop: (1,620) Hero (d3k0nd3k0n) is UTG with Q♥ Q♦
d3k0nd3k0n (UTG) raises to 1,200, 6 players fold, Blond Alken (BB) calls 600

Flop: (3,420) 6♥ 2♥ 7♠ (2 players)
Blond Alken (BB) checks, d3k0nd3k0n (UTG) bets 2,257, Blond Alken (BB) calls 2,257

Turn: (7,934) K♦ (2 players)
Blond Alken (BB) checks, d3k0nd3k0n (UTG) checks

River: (7,934) 6♦ (2 players)
Blond Alken (BB) checks, d3k0nd3k0n (UTG) bets 2,618, Blond Alken (BB) calls 2,618

Total pot: 13,170

d3k0nd3k0n (UTG) shows Q♥ Q♦ (two pair, Queens and Sixes)
(Equity - Pre-Flop: 84%, Flop: 82%, Turn: 89%, River: 100%)

Blond Alken (BB) mucks 7♣ T♠ (two pair, Sevens and Sixes)
(Equity - Pre-Flop: 16%, Flop: 18%, Turn: 11%, River: 0%)

d3k0nd3k0n (UTG) wins 13,170

Oh, and back to the JJ hand. Like I said his stack could damage me, I have position. It’s a far better move blond into flop and allowed me to benefit as he was clueless he was dominated as he has the Q, he isn’t getting paid betting into me.
You play with afraid from what your opponent can had? Hahaha it's a bad play bro, i don't know what u search from the game, but you is loosing money the most part of time playing like that.


Bronze Level
Dec 11, 2022
Total posts
You play with afraid from what your opponent can had? Hahaha it's a bad play bro, i don't know what u search from the game, but you is loosing money the most part of time playing like that.
So you believe I get maximum in that situation another way? Pre flop is only pre flop. I’m adjusting to online, I’m glad you know how to use sharkskope.... looks are very deceiving often 😉


Bronze Level
May 27, 2007
Total posts
lol .......hi!!! my ol buddy fundiver!!

I like your eagerness
but lets review what you said

One of the main exploits is soft micro and low stakes games is to overfold on the river. The reason for that is, that most people in these games are not finding enough bluffs. And for that reason we can bet thin for value but overfold, if we get raised. Or we can just fold, if the opponent bomb the river, and we only beat a bluff. Both these ideas are discussed in this video:

"One of the main exploits is soft micro and low stakes games is to overfold on the river."
Overfolding the river, is that exploiting you or them?

"most people in these games are not finding enough bluffs."
but are they calling them?

" And for that reason we can bet thin for value but overfold, if we get raised."
What are we betting thin with ? bluffs? not a great idea
so Why go thin with a good hand against someone that will call?

i'd use my my read to know the strength of my opponent and where he is in the hand to decide on how much I want to bet to accomplish winning the hand optimally

yoyo how you been fundiver
You been killing it?


Bronze Level
May 27, 2007
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See the theory is spot specific
Let me enlighten you

if he has a mid strength hand and you have the better of it
Bet a decent size
Amateurs don't fold

If he has mid strength and you have a bluff
Bet a decent size
your opponent overfolds?

no no

heres what works

You have nothing and he has nothing
he checks
you bet tiny in position

he overfolds


Platinum Level
May 2, 2020
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So you believe I get maximum in that situation another way? Pre flop is only pre flop. I’m adjusting to online, I’m glad you know how to use sharkskope.... looks are very deceiving often 😉
You only watching this hand and presume this gonna happen everytime. You have 3x more chips than the villain, and it's not like 60 blinds to 20, it's ****ing 300 to 100. I don't know how many time you play poker, i think you it's a begginner, and you gonna learn this with the time.. And if you recommend the sharkscope to me, maybe i can recommend you GTO wizard, or any youtube video where 488282663 regs, teaching to 3-bet in this situation lol GL


Bronze Level
Dec 11, 2022
Total posts
@Kinalha, you definitely assume a lot lol. Why does me talking about that specific hand mean I assume or expect a scenario repetition every time?? You've engaged a few times on posts ive made... I have no more time for you, go argue with your wife or something ffs lol.... let some of that agro out

And as for thinking I’m a beginner your very wrong, simply put I am fully aware or statistical variance, however the 101 of poker ethos is flawed because of the schematically rigid nature of Sid statistics... the variance is in the moment, the evolution of the situation you travel in that instance... mathematical statistics are a mean over time, not that moment, just it’s likely-hood... true variance is in that instance with present variables...

Ive since the first moment I started to play, threw the 101 book out the window... still as they say, if you pay for your seat you okay however you wish aye 🤷‍♂️😉 Have a nice day....

Let me not get myself in hot water for sharp tonguing again..... But you have definitely brightened my afternoon lol... Legend 😎
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Platinum Level
May 2, 2020
Total posts
@Kinalha, you definitely assume a lot lol. Why does me talking about that specific hand mean I assume or expect a scenario repetition every time?? You've engaged a few times on posts ive made... I have no more time for you, go argue with your wife or something ffs lol.... let some of that agro out

And as for thinking I’m a beginner your very wrong, simply put I am fully aware or statistical variance, however the 101 of poker ethos is flawed because of the schematically rigid nature of Sid statistics... the variance is in the moment, the evolution of the situation you travel in that instance... mathematical statistics are a mean over time, not that moment, just it’s likely-hood... true variance is in that instance with present variables...

Ive since the first moment I started to play, threw the 101 book out the window... still as they say, if you pay for your seat you okay however you wish aye 🤷‍♂️😉 Have a nice day....

Let me not get myself in hot water for sharp tonguing again..... But you have definitely brightened my afternoon lol... Legend 😎
Very clear that you are a beginner. Gl for you to learn quickly and not continue playing badly


Bronze Level
Dec 11, 2022
Total posts
Very clear that you are a beginner. Gl for you to learn quickly and not continue playing badly
You give me soooo much joke 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣 So much anger in you I feel sorry for ya.... Beginner lol.. Really? Define me the beginner please Ivey

I’d also put money on you being amongst my early hour Brazilian easy targets I terrorise often. I get regular throwables when I maniac the felts, it’s 80% Brazilian when I hyper turbo... We got history away from CC? It’s all love poker though.... well no actually, I think your a 💩
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