$2 18 Person Turbo; Stats Review



Rock Star
Silver Level
Nov 22, 2010
Total posts
My stats show me to be quite active in these Turbo 18 person Sit n go's. From 230 games am 39/21/2.7
3 Bet---7 and fold to a 3 Bet---31
STL 55/67
CB 86/73
WSD 46/51

ROI 25%

Looking for any hardcore Sit n go players for commentary on these stats. These are quite a bit looser then my cash game action but often in Sit n go's you are facing big blinds and playing short handed. I figure that accouts for the looser action.

These sit n go's were played at PS


Silver Level
Nov 6, 2010
Total posts
Those are some pretty loose numbers, but I believe they can be profitable with excellent postflop play.

How do your numbers change as the blinds increase? That is a really big factor that can give me a better idea of your playing style. For example:

I play STT turbos, and my overall numbers are 18/15/3.8. Very aggressive and fairly average VPIP% for a multi tabler. The thing is that during the first 2-3 blind stages, I'm 10/9 with a super high AF. The next couple stages I think I'm like 16/14, then 22/18, and then when the blinds are very high (red M zone, if you are familiar with that) I'm like 34/26 (my PFR dips here because I'm often forced to make an all in call, say, from the big blind). The point is that your numbers can mean very different things depending on how well you adjust to the blinds, which is one of the most important things a good grinder can do.


Rock Star
Silver Level
Nov 22, 2010
Total posts
How do your numbers change as the blinds increase? That is a really big factor that can give me a better idea of your playing style

I am new to tournament indicator, so not sure how to go about figuring out my different ranges at different levels of the tournament. If you use TI I would appreciate some explanation on that. The numbers I gave are just the overall numbers so that could make any commentary a bit tougher for sure. Obviously I could stand to tighten up a bit if my overall play is looser then your Red Zone play.

If you have any advice how I can get more out of TI, I would appreciate it.