Silver Level
i was playing in a large field, cheap buy in tournie at stars last night. i had just grinded my way into the money when i came into a nice run of cards and was able to quickly build up a respectable stack, about 20k. with about 70 people left i was dealt J-J. i just called, as did two others who both had similiar stacks as me. flop was something like 2h-7d-5h. feeling pretty good about my hand here i made a fairly large bet, 5-6k, and both players called. turn, Kd. perhaps i should have checked, but i didn't. I went all in for my last 10-12k. the point is, both players call. the river is something like 8h. One of them then turns over Ah-9h. i don't exactly remember the other guy's cards, in fact i think he folded on the river, but i was in the lead until the river hit. so, you're welcome to comment on my play if you want, but i know i probably over played it. what i'm curious about is how many of you would have called my all in in that situation (for most of your stack) w/ an A high flush draw with 1 card to go. he could have won with an ace too of course, but it was far less of a sure thing. heck, even with the pair on the board he could have lost even if he hit his flush.
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