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What do you do here? AQ



Rock Star
Silver Level
Jan 25, 2023
Total posts
I played the noon daily at the Wynn last week when I was in Vegas. It’s a $200.00 buy in with 20k starting stack and 30 min levels. There ended up being 117 players. The money starts with 13 players left and the min cash is $418.00 and first was 6k.
We are down to two tables now, 9 handed, 18 players left. My table has gone tight right now. I am just above the average chip count at 111k. Blinds are 1k-2k with the big blind ante of 2k. The cut off opens to 6k. It folds to me. I’m in the small blind and look down at AQ off. I think for a bit and decide to raise to 15k. The big blind thinks for about a minute then goes all in for 102k. The cut off has around 100k also but we have both players covered. She is in the tank for a good 3 min. I can tell she wants to call but is worried about me. She folds. Now I have to think through all this. So I took my time and eventually folded and said “I hate going broke with AQ”. The guy turned his hand over and showed AKss. The cut off had 10-10. I ended up surviving to the money and went out 13th.
What do you do here, anyone shove in my spot or do you fold here?


Rock Star
Silver Level
Apr 7, 2018
Total posts
Wow. Quite the ride. I think it was a good fold on your part.

Personally, I would have folded there, largely because I make a point of trying NOT to call a shove without a made hand, if it means 90% of my stack out the door. AQo means you are really rooting to hit something to win, it feels unlikely AQ would hold up at the end against a shove, if you missed everything.


Jun 3, 2019
Total posts
Folding seems completely fine to me. It is a late position confrontation, but a cold 4-bet is usually a very snug range, and typically we do not want to get AQ all-in preflop for 50+ BB. I am an online player, and the only times, I do that, is against maniacs or in PKOs, when there are bounties at stake, so that I can except other players to be wider than normal.

My only suggestion is to 3-bet a bit larger out of position. When you only make it 2,5X, you are never getting a player with position on you to fold anything, that was good enough to open in the first place. So all, you are doing, is massaging the pot larger in a situation, where you are going to be out of position postflop. If you dont want to make a large 3-bet, its also fine to just call with this hand from SB.


Platinum Level
Feb 13, 2018
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As played, its an easy fold to a cold 4 bet. Highly doubt BB is bluffing here (especially live) and even if they are then sometimes you just have to tip your cap and think nice bluff. Again, highly doubt its a bluff and AQ against a cold 4 range is bad so easy fold.

There are some nuances of this hand though. First, you say the table is tight which I believe since this is a live tourney, near the bubble, and is probably filled with mostly tourists. Therefore, what range do we put CO on when they open? If the table really is tight and we are near the bubble I dont expect very much here even though it is a cutoff open. Their range could be something as tight as 88+, A10 suited+. The CO is covered by you and the BB (not sure Buttons stack which even though they did not get involved in the hand does matter to CO open range here possibly) so I think that might also tighten them up a touch. Given that, AQ is middle of the road here. Also, CO opens for 3x. Is that the standard sizing of opens at the table or is this something new for CO? Could just be the chips were colored up and their only choices were 2x or 3x open but just wondering if there is something to that 3x open. With all that being said, I like 3 betting here but it would not be for value. I would peg CO as someone that I could get to fold just because of live bubble dynamics. I would go bigger than you did but not that much bigger. I only play live a few times a year but it seems like live players fold more (especially near bubble) so I think 17k or 18k is better than 15k just to give that slight touch more of fold equity but it does not have to be a 4x raise like online has to be. I would then c bet almost all flops at roughly 40% pot and would think I would win a decent amount of the time. If I got called on flop or raised flop or pre then I would just pitch without too much worry that I was behind.

I will also bring up that I think its bad by BB to show they have AK there. When they show then everyone knows without any doubt that the 4 bet was value. If they dont show, there is always that 2-3% ish doubt by everyone else that maybe they made a play. If another spot were to come up shortly and they had a big hand again and wound up making an aggressive move they have a better chance of getting called if they did not show the AK in this hand since players might start to think they are a bubble abuser. I just dont get showing cards in spots like this where everyone folds as we want our opponents to have some doubt as to what we had.


Mar 5, 2019
Total posts
I played the noon daily at the Wynn last week when I was in Vegas. It’s a $200.00 buy in with 20k starting stack and 30 min levels. There ended up being 117 players. The money starts with 13 players left and the min cash is $418.00 and first was 6k.
We are down to two tables now, 9 handed, 18 players left. My table has gone tight right now. I am just above the average chip count at 111k. Blinds are 1k-2k with the big blind ante of 2k. The cut off opens to 6k. It folds to me. I’m in the small blind and look down at AQ off. I think for a bit and decide to raise to 15k. The big blind thinks for about a minute then goes all in for 102k. The cut off has around 100k also but we have both players covered. She is in the tank for a good 3 min. I can tell she wants to call but is worried about me. She folds. Now I have to think through all this. So I took my time and eventually folded and said “I hate going broke with AQ”. The guy turned his hand over and showed AKss. The cut off had 10-10. I ended up surviving to the money and went out 13th.
What do you do here, anyone shove in my spot or do you fold here?
Great job putting lots of data in your post-

At 50 eff GTO likes a larger 3 bet sizing from the SB 4x as we want to reduce the SPR vs the CO EQR hands they can flat us with.
When BB shoves the AQoff is bottom of a GTO calling range so folding it vs tighter shoves is fine

I do like that you got the BB to show but I would not have stated your hand- that is a little too much info to give away -"I guess AT was no good" would be better- still triggers the reveal but does not let them know you are folding bottom of GTO ranges



Rock Star
Bronze Level
Jan 25, 2021
Total posts
In that situation, I think folding was a reasonable decision. Facing a raise and an all-in shove, it's crucial to consider the strong likelihood of being dominated by hands like AK or strong pair. If I were you, I would have folded as well. If your stack was much lower than the average, then AQ shove is okay maybe.


Rock Star
Bronze Level
Dec 28, 2021
Total posts
I thik is right to fold, at the end of tourney is better to keep inside the game than be eliminated, so next time fol is right,


Rock Star
Bronze Level
Apr 2, 2020
Total posts
Easy fold there, after a raise and a 3bet, the guy shoves, I don't think there's anything to think about.
At best, you'll be flipping with the guy who shoved, not counting the other player who opened the raise.


Lost in the twilight zone
Community Guide
Feb 21, 2018
Total posts
congrats on the cash. I would have folded there as well. The BB 4 bet jammed into 2 50+bb stacks. What are we really beating here in this situation. Your way too deep to flip at this point and would this player really do this with AJ or worse? Good fold and its great you know you were correct.


May 7, 2020
Total posts
Well done on making the money, A win is a Win in my book
I was once close to the bubble in a Live game when I was dealt A/Qs and feeling that the Player UTG was trying to steal the blinds by raising, I made an All-in move with it sat in the Cut-off seat, The Button called and all the other players folded.
I showed my A/Q and he turned over A/J, The flop dropped J,10,7, and another Jack on the turn giving him trips and I could only win with a King.
Missed it on the River and I was out, Game over!
I surely wished I had folded that hand, Bubble boy once again.