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QQ on flop UTG-Late in Tournament



Silver Level
Apr 15, 2007
Total posts
I was in a tournament on bodog last night.
I had 93k in chips, I am UTG, I get QQ on flop BB are 1200 SB 600,
I raise 5000, middle position reraises to 10,000 , flop comes 9, 2, 6.
How do I play from here?

Ultimately lost to KK


Silver Level
Mar 24, 2007
Total posts
These are tough spots not to go broke when the flop is all rags.

You raised from UTG so your image on the table plays a huge role, because villain is in MP and decided to 3bet you for the minimum (which is very suspicious, but doesn't always mean AA or KK). So we need to also consider his image and what read you have on him.

If he's been loose well then...he most likely gets me here PF because I'm sure I would 4bet to about 28/30k. Whatever happens after that depends on the size of his stack but even if he flat calls the 4bet I'm going all-in on this flop and I get nailed. There just is no way out for me with QQ vs a loose player, min 3bet or not. It's probably a weakness of mine not being able to read danger against that type of player, which is why I pay off their monsters just about always :mad: .

Even if I don't 4bet this PF (occasionally I might want to see a flop even vs loose player just to protect vs AK type of hands, but don't consider this a standard play vs a LAG) I know I'll likely check/shove his c-bet, so again he gets my ass either way.

How many chips did your opponent have and what, if any, read did you have on him?

If he's been tight there is a chance I can escape this because of his min 3bet, but I'm not sure. Did you see him 3bet before this hand? Has he gone to showdown? Has he been very active?

In honesty its very hard not to go broke on that flop, but in some (not many) cases its possible.

Also, in the future, if you want to have objective opinions from the other members, next time leave out the end result.
Egon Towst

Egon Towst

Cardschat Elite
Silver Level
Jun 26, 2006
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Bet around half the pot on the flop. If he comes over the top again, you might lay it down if he is a nit.

As Joe says, if he is a loose player, AA and KK are only a small part of his range here and, realistically, you`re not going to be able to put him on one of those with any certainty and you are going to go broke. It happens.


Rising Star
Bronze Level
Sep 5, 2007
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i suppose 4 betting pre flop here isn't a terrible option in terms of gaining some more information before facing an OOP decision after the flop. but you're probably not getting away from this hand either pre- or post-flop 9 times out of 10. if he shoves after you 4 bet and he's tight and deep stacked you might get away from it. but you're probably calling in most situations.

i prefer flat calling and a half pot bet on the flop like egon suggested. this probably costs you less than 4 betting preflop and if he raises, you can weigh the chances of him holding AA or KK. But if villian's image isn't much tighter than average, you're going broke here regardless.


Silver Level
Aug 18, 2006
Total posts
I was in a tournament on Bodog last night.
I had 93k in chips, I am UTG, I get QQ on flop BB are 1200 SB 600,
I raise 5000, middle position reraises to 10,000 , flop comes 9, 2, 6.
How do I play from here?

Ultimately lost to KK
Next time leave out the results as most of the advice you see here may be results oriented.


Rising Star
Bronze Level
Jul 22, 2007
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Well usually you can tell later in a game if the guy is an Ace hugger~ AK AQ AJ~ and if he is I might have gone all in after his re-raise. In this case however I think testing the waters with a bet would be nice, a large bet if its between that or you losing all your chips, but In anycase you really have to guide this play by the players past history. Somedays its not always good to be too greedy, just remember to laugh when you take all of his chips later =)


Rock Star
Silver Level
Sep 9, 2007
Total posts
I was in a tournament on Bodog last night.
I had 93k in chips, I am UTG, I get QQ on flop BB are 1200 SB 600,
I raise 5000, middle position reraises to 10,000 , flop comes 9, 2, 6.
How do I play from here?

Ultimately lost to KK

I would have mad a check fold here. The flop missed me by a mile. Tou don't say what the suits were or if those cards are all of the same suit as one of my Kings.


I'm confused
Silver Level
Jun 30, 2006
Total posts
Doyle Brunson made this fold in the 06 wsop HORSE tournament against Chp Reese. It was one of the best laydowns I've ever seen. Of course he's Doyle and he's been playing with Chip for years.

You got coolered here, not much you can do.