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middle-late stages of a mtt



Silver Level
Jan 14, 2006
Total posts
about this time i switch gears and play things kind of backwards. preflop monsters i really slow down with when playing after a raiser (even before) and take aggression with more poor hands. would you play this the same way?

MTT Table 1614809315-117Holdem No Limit400/800[Jan 13 22:01:57] : Hand Start.[Jan 13 22:01:57] : Seat 1 : freddiefrog has $25,871[Jan 13 22:01:57] : Seat 2 : joosebucklo has $32,090[Jan 13 22:01:57] : Seat 3 : MAD_MAN has $25,700[Jan 13 22:01:57] : Seat 4 : mancity has $19,480[Jan 13 22:01:57] : Seat 5 : cookie75 has $4,450[Jan 13 22:01:57] : Seat 6 : uhhuhhim has $8,900[Jan 13 22:01:57] : Seat 7 : LadyMuck has $19,270[Jan 13 22:01:57] : Seat 8 : Yuwyn1243 has $47,315[Jan 13 22:01:57] : Seat 9 : what the has $20,330[Jan 13 22:01:57] : freddiefrog is the dealer.[Jan 13 22:01:57] : joosebucklo posted small blind.[Jan 13 22:01:57] : MAD_MAN posted big blind.[Jan 13 22:01:57] : Game [117] started with 9 players.[Jan 13 22:01:57] : Dealing Hole Cards.[Jan 13 22:01:57] : Seat 2 : joosebucklo has Ah Kc[Jan 13 22:02:13] : mancity folded.[Jan 13 22:02:13] : cookie75 folded.[Jan 13 22:02:14] : uhhuhhim folded.[Jan 13 22:02:16] : LadyMuck folded.[Jan 13 22:02:20] : Yuwyn1243 called 800 and raised 1,600[Jan 13 22:02:24] : what the folded.[Jan 13 22:02:24] : Stakes: 400/800 Current level: 8 Level up in: 6 min. Break in: 54 min. Players : 170[Jan 13 22:02:25] : freddiefrog folded.[Jan 13 22:02:28] : joosebucklo called 2,000[Jan 13 22:02:33] : MAD_MAN folded.[Jan 13 22:02:33] : Dealing flop.[Jan 13 22:02:33] : Board cards [3s Kh 5h][Jan 13 22:02:38] : joosebucklo checked.[Jan 13 22:02:39] : Yuwyn1243 bet 3,200[Jan 13 22:02:43] : Stakes: 400/800 Current level: 8 Level up in: 6 min. Break in: 54 min. Players : 169[Jan 13 22:02:44] : joosebucklo called 3,200[Jan 13 22:02:46] : Dealing turn.[Jan 13 22:02:46] : Board cards [3s Kh 5h 8d][Jan 13 22:02:49] : joosebucklo checked.[Jan 13 22:02:52] : Yuwyn1243 checked.[Jan 13 22:02:53] : Dealing river.[Jan 13 22:02:53] : Board cards [3s Kh 5h 8d Qh][Jan 13 22:02:55] : joosebucklo checked.[Jan 13 22:03:02] : Yuwyn1243 bet 12,800[Jan 13 22:03:03] : Stakes: 400/800 Current level: 8 Level up in: 6 min. Break in: 53 min. Players : 169[Jan 13 22:03:04] : joosebucklo ...


Silver Level
Jan 14, 2006
Total posts
wow that didnt work well. a summary -

aggressive late player raises. im in sb with AKo. i cold call. flop is K53 with 2 hearts. I have the ace of hearts(which means he not semibluffing at a/x h) and check. He bets 3200 into a 5k~ pot. Turn is an 8d. Both check. River is a Qh (exact card i said to myself that i didnt want.) I check and he Bets 10k~


Silver Level
Feb 2, 2005
Total posts
MTT Table 1614809315-117Holdem No Limit400/800
: Hand Start. :
Seat 1 : freddiefrog has $25,871 :
Seat 2 : joosebucklo has $32,090 :
Seat 3 : MAD_MAN has $25,700 :
Seat 4 : mancity has $19,480 :
Seat 5 : cookie75 has $4,450 :
Seat 6 : uhhuhhim has $8,900:
Seat 7 : LadyMuck has $19,270 :
Seat 8 : Yuwyn1243 has $47,315 :
Seat 9 : what the has $20,330
: freddiefrog is the dealer.
: joosebucklo posted small blind.
: MAD_MAN posted big blind.
: Game [117] started with 9 players.
: Dealing Hole Cards.
: Seat 2 : joosebucklo has Ah Kc
: mancity folded.
: cookie75 folded.
: uhhuhhim folded.
: LadyMuck folded.
: Yuwyn1243 called 800 and raised 1,600
: what the folded.
: freddiefrog folded.
: joosebucklo called 2,000
: MAD_MAN folded.
: Dealing flop.
: Board cards [3s Kh 5h]
: joosebucklo checked.
: Yuwyn1243 bet 3,200
: joosebucklo called 3,200
: Dealing turn.
: Board cards [3s Kh 5h 8d]
: joosebucklo checked.
: Yuwyn1243 checked.
: Dealing river.
: Board cards [3s Kh 5h 8d Qh]
: joosebucklo checked.
: Yuwyn1243 bet 12,800
: joosebucklo ...

You should love me for that edit....I have no life :(

To answer your question, no I personally wouldn't play it like this. I either reraise PF, then considering stack sizes I push the flop if he calls PF, or call the PF bet and get real aggressive on the flop. You kinda put yourself in this tough situation by not playing aggressively enough. He could have you beat with the flush, maybe he hit with QQ, he could be trying to buy the pot with a failed AJ, who knows.


Silver Level
Jan 14, 2006
Total posts
called, he flipped a/4, no pair no draw lol.

That's why i play passively at these stages.

a) to set up an image to exploit later
b) because people overvalue momentum
c) as well as any k/x or a/x


Cardschat Elite
Silver Level
May 25, 2005
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I dont think there's any harm in playing the odd hand slowly - it's hands like this that can break open a tournament for you, and if you think an opponent will bet out for you, give it a go and see if he will. Nothing in your actions would suggest a pair of Kings especially with you in sb, and i wouldn't have thought a flush was likely here - top heart he could have would be a Jack, he'd need 2 hearts - he wouldn't raise 3 x BB middle position with jx suited surely? What else are you behind? 33, 55 and 88 would more likely have called or folded, QQ fits the history to a t, but that's one single hand, and you split against another AK - i think you've done well to conceal a good hand and take down a nice pot (you went all-in didn't you?).


Silver Level
Jan 14, 2006
Total posts
no, there arent many hands worse that are calling an all in other than KJ that i have beat.. im happy with this pot