Silver Level
2nd hand of live tourney. 2nd tourney for the night and probably a few too many beers in. (First mistake)
blinds are 25 / 50. First hand went down uneventfully so chip stacks are pretty even at 1500.
I'm on the bb and dealt Ks Qs
Everyone folds to the sb, who raises to 200. I call. (Second mistake)
Flop: Q 10 6 rainbow.
sb checks, I raise 200 (third mistake - too small a bet). sb calls.
Turn: J (rainbow board)
sb checks, I raise 300. sb re-raises all in...
...I was on tilt from being sucked out on the turn twice the previous tourney and also had to fold some pretty good hands to scary flops.
so I call. (1324th mistake)
of course, he had A K.
Anyone else get the occasional hand where at the time you thought you were in good shape, but as soon as the cards are flipped, you realize how terribly you played the hand from the start? For the most part, I know what & how I'm supposed to play, but sometimes I get these brain-farts that ends up making me the total ass.
blinds are 25 / 50. First hand went down uneventfully so chip stacks are pretty even at 1500.
I'm on the bb and dealt Ks Qs
Everyone folds to the sb, who raises to 200. I call. (Second mistake)
Flop: Q 10 6 rainbow.
sb checks, I raise 200 (third mistake - too small a bet). sb calls.
Turn: J (rainbow board)
sb checks, I raise 300. sb re-raises all in...
...I was on tilt from being sucked out on the turn twice the previous tourney and also had to fold some pretty good hands to scary flops.
so I call. (1324th mistake)
of course, he had A K.
Anyone else get the occasional hand where at the time you thought you were in good shape, but as soon as the cards are flipped, you realize how terribly you played the hand from the start? For the most part, I know what & how I'm supposed to play, but sometimes I get these brain-farts that ends up making me the total ass.