feedback on my hand?



Rock Star
Silver Level
Jul 3, 2007
Total posts
Alright, I was just playing in an 1$ MTT on Stars just now (I know, low buy-in, I don't really have a big bankroll), about 800 people, and got knocked out in a hand that went like this:

I'm sitting with just above average chips (6000) in the BB, with just 200 people left. I get dealt A7o and it's folded around to the button, one of the biggest stacks in the tournament. This guy has always raised me when he's the button, and I always let him take it. He's being very loose, calling with pretty much anything, bullying everyone, so I'm pretty sure he's trying to steal. I decide to call his 3 blind raise when the SB folds to me, planning on check raising if I hit an ace or some kind of good flop. It comes AJ8 with two spades, just the flop I was looking for, and I think for a few seconds and check. However, with about 1300 chips in the pot, this guy puts me all in for about 5000. I think for a moment thinking what he has, maybe a flush draw, maybe a jack, or maybe even I'm beat against a better ace. I still decide to make the call based on the information I got from previous hands, and he shows me J8, two pairs...
turn comes a blank and river gives him a fullhouse, knocking me out.

What do you think I did wrong? Maybe the call pre-flop was bad and I should have pushed, but no way I was putting him on two pairs. This is why I hate micro limit tournaments, I can never get a good read against these guys. I wanna see how I do in the new Sunday Hundred Grand, but judging by the micro satellites I've seen, I think it will be a lot like a Hubble's Freeroll or something... lol

By the way, this is my first post, so go easy on me, okay? :)


Silver Level
May 16, 2005
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Calling is pretty poor here, you can re-steal pre-flop, or fold. I perfer folding and start on stealing blinds on the button myself.
Dorkus Malorkus

Dorkus Malorkus

Silver Level
Jul 12, 2005
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Yeah, rather than playing a pot out of position you can either re-steal or just fold here, depending on the blinds. If blinds are something like 200/400 then you have the perfect spot for a resteal shove here - if the blinds are much larger you have to fold and concentrate on stealing pots as the first person in (or getting dealt a huge hand, of course), if the blinds are any lower I tend to just throw it away and move on, as my big stack presents me better opportunities than this one to accumulate chips, especially with a big stack to my right.

To some extent the optimal move depends on the rest of the table too - if you're able to freely steal from late position because the players to your left are shortstacked and/or weak-tight then you should obviously be more inclined to fold, if the table is generally very loose-aggressive the opposite applies.

Welcome to the forums, by the way - no going easy required because this is a nice first post (let us know the blinds and table conditions though). :)


Rock Star
Silver Level
Jul 3, 2007
Total posts
Thank you to both of the replies... sorry I didn't post the blinds, I thought I did. They were 100/200, not too big yet, otherwise I probably would have pushed. Just to defend myself, the reason I didn't do that in that hand was that I was pretty sure he would call - yes, even with that J8, leaving me either a small favorite or a huge underdog. I still understand why the call is bad, since most of the time I'm not going to hit the flop and I'll be bullied out of the pot, but for the hour and a half I played, I was very tight, only played about four pots, 2 of them being steals, and I really needed to win a big one against that big stack. Oh well, I hope I'm luckier this Sunday...

Thanks for the welcome Dorkus, nice to be part of the forum. =)
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