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Correct fold in hindsight, but what about beforehand?



Rock Star
Silver Level
Jul 2, 2007
Total posts
Sorry about format, not used to UB, nor posting hands on forums.

Hand #44374544-40 at Thu11pmARB07Free-090 (No Limit tournament Hold'em)
Started at 12/Jul/07 23:50:34

six666six is at seat 0 with 6435.
bootslee is at seat 1 with 5530.
ricashey is at seat 2 with 2510.
Nerice is at seat 3 with 8110.
mtnwidow is at seat 4 with 2950.
michmash is at seat 5 with 4155.
Kevin Myers is at seat 6 with 2695.
Woodyjags is at seat 7 with 15140.
bigdad_e_o40 is at seat 8 with 3955.
glenmeadows is at seat 9 with 1690.
The button is at seat 2.

Nerice posts the small blind of 30.
mtnwidow posts the big blind of 60.

six666six: -- -- << Seemed to be playing pretty tight.
bootslee: -- --
ricashey: -- --
Nerice: 9s 9c
mtnwidow: -- --
michmash: -- --
Kevin Myers: -- --
Woodyjags: -- --
bigdad_e_o40: -- --
glenmeadows: -- --


michmash folds. Kevin Myers folds. Woodyjags calls.
bigdad_e_o40 folds. glenmeadows calls. six666six
goes all-in for 6435. bootslee folds. ricashey
folds. Nerice folds. mtnwidow folds. Woodyjags
folds. glenmeadows goes all-in for 1690. six666six
is returned 4745 (uncalled).

Tournament all-in showdown -- players show:

six666six shows Qd Qh.
glenmeadows shows 7s 8h.

Flop (board: 3d 3h 2c):

(no action in this round)

Turn (board: 3d 3h 2c Ks):

(no action in this round)

River (board: 3d 3h 2c Ks Td):

(no action in this round)


six666six has Qd Qh 3d 3h Ks: two pair, queens and threes.
glenmeadows has 8h 3d 3h Ks Td: a pair of threes.

Hand #44374544-40 Summary:

No rake is taken for this hand.
six666six wins 3530 with two pair, queens and threes.

On a side note, for the first time ever I havent been able to figure out how to do somehting in software, and its chat in the UB software, I dont do it very often, but would sitll like to know if someone can tell me. Feel dumb for asking, but dunno.... just dont see how lmao.


Rock Star
Silver Level
Jul 12, 2007
Total posts
Yeah, good lay-down, IMO. If I felt he was playing tight to begin with, then he goes all-in like that pre-flop, I would think he had something great, and would fold anything short of pocket kings, especially since his all-in is a huge portion of your stack. The fact that he showed a pair of queens solidifies that for me.


Rock Star
Silver Level
Jul 2, 2007
Total posts
Ok, I dont really like lower pp's like that much. Its nice to have a pp, but I see 7/8/9's get beat so often.


I'm confused
Silver Level
Jun 30, 2006
Total posts
You pretty much have to fold this pre-flop especially with others to act after you. At best you are a coin flip. I still can't get over people first to act shoving all-in with over 100 times the BB with low blinds. Ridiculous. He got lucky in that he got some other donk to call with 8 high.

I just saw it was free play, nevermind.
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