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3.40 PS Turbo: HU KK



Silver Level
Apr 16, 2007
Total posts
Opponent is average HU player who will shove any two paint and call raise with suited connectors, one paint or small pp. AI with med pp. Does not slowplay pre-flop to my knowledge.

pokerstars Game #11605261786: Tournament #58878768, $3.00+$0.40 Hold'em No Limit - Level VIII (200/400) - 2007/08/21 - 02:16:02 (ET)
Table '58878768 1' 10-max Seat #1 is the button
Seat 1: Angel_4 (9317 in chips)
Seat 3: jeffred1111 (5683 in chips)
Angel_4: posts the ante 25
jeffred1111: posts the ante 25
Angel_4: posts small blind 200
jeffred1111: posts big blind 400
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to jeffred1111 [Kd Ks]
Angel_4: raises 800 to 1200
jeffred1111: calls 800
*** FLOP *** [Jc 6s Td]
jeffred1111: checks
Angel_4: bets 1200
jeffred1111: calls 1200
*** TURN *** [Jc 6s Td] [7h]
jeffred1111: xxx ?

Villains range is pretty huge and it is very unlikely that this flop has not hit him. He could have paired the 10, the J, have a straight draw, overs to the board, etc. What is our line here since he called our flop bet ? We gotta give him credit for at least a fair hand so do we push in hope of him calling, do we check to induce a bluff or to let him make a second best hand (dangerous since the board is straight coordinated and he could river a second pair). If he checks, what kind of card do we push with ? I wouldn't like checking again since he is capable of not bluffing on the river (altough he has bluffed plenty of turns after being called) and it'll become pretty obvious we're sandbagging like crazy.


Silver Level
Mar 24, 2007
Total posts
I'd check here hoping he bets 1200 again and have him pretty much committed for the rest of our chips. Once he does bet the 1200 you can minraise it and almost certainly get a call, then just put the rest in on the river.

If he happens to check behind on this turn I don't think you should shove the river because you have ~3250 and you might lose him. I think at that point you make a value bet, something he should call like around 1200.

This also depends on opponent. You seem convinced this flop helped him, is that because he bet it? Has he checked when he misses and bet when he hits even when he raises PF?

The strategy of checking this turn is the best if you think there is a good chance he bets again.


Silver Level
Apr 16, 2007
Total posts
He pretty much pushed when the flop didn't help him, or he would try to steal on the turn by checking behind and then reraising me when I bet turn (I caught him doing this when I paired a K earlier on a 27A board). 1200 is pretty small and he took a long time before betting it, so we cannot rule out that he has a piece of the flop.


Cardschat Elite
Silver Level
May 25, 2005
Total posts
I think your call on the flop has pretty much committed you to the pot in your opponents eyes. The only conceivable "drawing" hand you could have called with is KQ. If he was making standard continuation bet i dont see how you'll get any more out of the hand, so I'd go all-in here - you're more likely to get a call with Ace high against this "bluff" move than if you play it cute. If he's got top pair then your chips will all be in the middle however you both play it.