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$11$ NL HE MTT:



Rock Star
Bronze Level
Mar 26, 2023
Total posts
Game Format
No Limit
Table Format
Game Options
  1. Deep Stacked
  2. Bounty
  3. Rebuy
This is my first time uploading a poker hand on CardsChat. If I'm wrong about something please let me know.
I won a satellite ticket to participate in the Sunday Storm 12th Anniversary that took place this past Sunday. This hand is from that tournament.

In my hand I'm in the small blind with Q-9o and a player who always limps in mid or late position limps, completes the blind, and the big blind player raises 3bb, the cut player calls and I call, I 2 flop Pairs, I SlowPlay and The Big Blind Cbets 40% of the pot, CO folds and I 3bet 3.25x, Villain calls and on the turn I bet all-in for 155% of the pot.

My question is, was the turn bet correct or should I have bet 75% or 90% of the pot on the turn to catch and wait for what happens on the river?

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Aug 11, 2014
Total posts
My question is, was the bet on the turn correct or should I have bet 75% or 90% of the pot on the turn to catch and wait for what happens on the river?
Even though I have no idea about the player on the BB, I think there's nothing wrong with that play. You needed to protect your hand considering the texture of that board. Better take a nice pot right there than risking a loss. But that's just my opinion !


Mar 5, 2019
Total posts
Esta es la primera vez que subo una mano de póquer en CardsChat. Si me equivoco en algo por favor házmelo saber.
Gané un boleto satélite para participar en el Sunday Storm 12th Anniversary que se llevó a cabo el pasado domingo. Esta mano es de ese torneo.

En mi mano estoy en la ciega pequeña con Q-9o y un jugador que siempre limpea en posición media o tardía limpea, completo la ciega, y el jugador de la ciega grande sube 3bb, el jugador cortado ve y yo igualo, yo 2 flop de parejas, I SlowPlay y The Big Blind Cbets el 40% del bote, CO se retiró y yo 3bet 3.25x, el villano iguala y en el turn apuesto todo por el 155% del bote.

Mi pregunta es, ¿fue correcta la apuesta del turno o debería haber apostado el 75 % o el 90 % del bote en el turno para atrapar y esperar lo que sucede en el río?

Do not read spanish well but thank you for forcing me to widen my horizons
Watching replayer one action at a time
After the BB raises we are in a bit of a nasty spot with this hand-BB's raise range can have us crushed even if we hit our Q and our straight draw is too gappy- we can fold here.
Flop we hit 2 pair this is where we want to think about how to get stacks in vs the BB strong range so we will be adjusting our bet sizing based on our SPR-
If we want to go all-in on turn we want the turn SPR to be closer to 1 which means we would make our XR larger on the flop
If we do not increase the sizing flop then we would choose a 55% pot sizing as our goal is still to stack our V on the clean flop card so we want more of the V's range to call

I am guessing from you question that the V folded turn I have not seen it yet -

The turn shove folds out far too much of the V's range-it helps the V play well

A good study exercise for you in this spot would be to think about what calling range our V has for different bet sizing by us

1.5 pot V has to have AA KK AKcc JcTc what else? Can the V even have the over pairs and just flat the flop?
90% pot Does the range change? Vs weak players maybe but decent players treat this like an all-in
75% pot Range?
55% pot Does the V now try to bluff catch?

espero que esto ayude



Rock Star
Bronze Level
Apr 2, 2020
Total posts
but is this shove just to defend our hand or to try to extract more chips from it?? Because 2 pair is very strong and I think we could try to extract more chips by making one more bet. But going all in will just knock him out of the hand.


Aug 2, 2018
Total posts
Thank you for the post! :) Nice first hand to go with, and you did everything correct, it's clean to deep into this one.

Preflop it was cheap to complete the 0.5 blind, after that there's definitely a bitter feeling that as a reraise happened, what combinations we can hit to favour us out of position threeway. However, BB's sizing is bad. It not affect the party most of the times, still both of you can call it off, and it not adding an information about your range whatsoever, only building up the pot in a directionless way. So seeing this person making a 3bb three bet, it already suggest me that this player is not so sharp, probably overagressive as with this massive stack and this false move everything point to that so far.

It's safe to say we achieved the most from the flop we could. The check is great, many doors to one of them to raise their draws or catching a bit up to make the pot attractive, and getting some idea about their combinations. BB fire up another bet, this time increasing a bit to 4bb, which is around half pot.
If it was not weird to see a stuffy action pre, now it's more clear that this whole line from BB is not executed the best, while we're having here a very massive made combination.

I personally would only check call on the Flop, and preparing to see this monster stack putting another pressure on us on the Turn. And this point I'd go for the check-3bet (the Turn card was very off which is great for you not even worrying that much), and that could maximise your value, and take it easier to your opponent to make a mistake. Although your outplay postflop was totally fine too, I'd recommend to note this player. In addition, as it's a Sunday Storm, many people made it very low satties, or bought themselves in cheap, which is a big factor to hunt the fishes, and even wider note them.

Good luck! :)


Jun 3, 2019
Total posts
I would definitely also complete Q9o against a limp. The hand is to weak to raise out of position, but you are getting a great price, so you can complete anything but junk. When BB puts in a small raise to 3BB, you are also getting the price to call and see a flop. However had he gone any larger, I would just fold.

Great flop for you obviously, and I would also check-raise.

Its important, that we plan a hand already on the flop. So before even making the check-raise on the flop, we need to know, how we are going to play the rest of the hand on a clean runout. And if you wanted to make it a 2-street hand, then I think, your check-raise on the flop needs to be larger. And I do think, I slightly prefer that line over making it a 3-street hand.

The problem with 3 streets is, your hand is strong but also very vulnerable, and a lot of rivers are going to be very tough for you. An A, K, J or T will potentially give him a better two pair. A or K potentially also top set. K or 8 will complete the OESD, and finally any club will complete the flush. So you basically have to dodge more than half the deck, or you are going to be in an at least someone tough spot on the river.

So I actually think, this is an ok line, especially when the turn card is such a perfect brick. But you should have set yourself up better for this by going larger on the flop. If nothing else this means, you win that much more, when he fold to a turn jam. Which I expect that he does a decent chunk of the time. But in general thats ok, because unless he has exactly top pair, he has at least 8 outs on the river. So protection certainly has value especially in a tournament.