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Color Coding HUD Stats Based on GTO



Silver Level
Sep 9, 2021
Total posts
I really like color code all my stats because it helps translate information, I know off table to be incorporated in the moment at the table. I color code based off of implementable GTO because it is a good starting point. When a player's specific stats is yellow, it means that they are doing that action at a reasonable and maybe winning frequency. When they perform that action too often, it will turn green and when they perform that action too little, it will be turn red. Some stats it is easy to find a reliable winning frequency, but other stats are very hard to find. I cannot stand having some stats color coded and other stats white. Please tell me what you think is a good frequency for any and all stats, no matter how common the stat is or how uncommon the stat is! Stats based on implementable GTO, exploitative stats based on player pools, and stats based on countering specific opponent types are all appreciated. Thank you!