A Member
Silver Level
Got my free $25 from Empire and decided to play a SNG as I had nothing better to do. Didn't have a lot of time so I selected a $5+.50 single table event. First couple hands went OK and the pace of the game was about right. From this point on, 2 players seem to get disconnected on each and every hand. The first timer would start saying XX has ZZ seconds to respond and when that timer ran out the disconnect timer would kick in giving them another 15 seconds. This was happening twice each betting round. With each hand taking an eternity, I was an hour into the tourney and there really wasn't much of a change in chipstack. Finally decided to win it or go out so I loosened up and played like a freeroller. Caught some luck but eventually (almost thankfully) busted out.
I'm going to assume that the 2 people getting disconnected every hand were dial-up users. I have DSL and I can only remember getting cut off once in all the hours I've been online. I guess my question is a) what do you do in this situation and b) should sites have some form of connection reliability monitor e.g., 2 disconnects and you're out?
I'm going to assume that the 2 people getting disconnected every hand were dial-up users. I have DSL and I can only remember getting cut off once in all the hours I've been online. I guess my question is a) what do you do in this situation and b) should sites have some form of connection reliability monitor e.g., 2 disconnects and you're out?