Poker Players Generosity

Hattori Hanzo

Hattori Hanzo

Rising Star
Bronze Level
Sep 20, 2006
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I'm sure we have all come across stories like these, but I come across 2 in one week and it got me thinking.

Yesterday while on stars I was waiting for a $10 NLH MTT to start and I had about 25mins to wait before it kicked off, so what I tend to do is just go and bum about on a low micro OH/L ring game.....more often than not its just the 5/10c limit table I bring up the min $2 and just have a knock about on the table.....however yesterday all the 5/10c tables were filled so I went to the 2/4c table.....I was sat at the table for about 5mins when a player sat down with $1500 (this is a min buy-in 80c table), to start with I just believed he was being flash....and looking a bit stupid....highest stack on the table was about $2.50 and here was this guy sitting there with $1500.

One of the first things this player asked was, "who is playing with the last of there B/R"....3 players replied yes, one of which being a female player with 86c left in her B/R......the $1500 man then said that he has an uneven amount of $ in his account and he believes having a round figure in his account brings him whilst still at the table he transferred $18 to her account there and then.....and just asked that if she makes good money of it, then she is to do the same with someone with a low B/R.....she said thank you and he went on his way.

At the start of the week a very good friend of mine who keeps a regularly updated blog, and does quite well at poker, had a $1000 transferred to him from some one who reads his blog, but wished to remain anonymous, the $1000 was sent to help pad out my friends B/R with only 2 conditions set to the money, 1) that my friend becomes a bonus whore (therefore making the B/R last longer) 2) such as with the first guy, when my friend makes $10k in his B/R he is to do the same thing and transfer an aspiring poker player a $1k in the aid of then padding out there B/R and taking their poker game forward.

Two differences in amounts between 1 and 2...however the feelings and intentions for doing both are the same...the first guy stated that he made his money in R/Gs although he had $561 profit in SNGs (courtesy of SharkScope) and if he could help some one with low B/R then it's all good......I myself have transferred cash to people I know or have met through forums/playing FRs who have no B/R at all and only play FRs and play money games, they have only been the odd $5 and $10 transfer but yet still it's something that really can make you feel good knowing that you started off there B/R and you can but only hope they do as well as what you have.

Anyhow, just wondered if anyone else has a story like this or if you have done it yourself the reasons why you did it....or maybe you are lucky enough to of been on the receiving end of a B/R donation......just goes to show though.....many may think poker is a bad thing.....all I can say is they must not of played....hell poker is a global community and things like this just go to prove it...IMO.:)


Silver Level
Jul 7, 2006
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I remember feeling that way a little in the euphoria after a big win, but it soon passes lol :p Guess I'm just a tight git :). Probably happens a little more indirectly by donking-it-up after a big win, which I think almost everyone does. Suddenly it seems a good idea to start 6 mtts at once:)

What you say, assuming there is any truth in it, reminds me loosely of the 'tipping the dealer' nonsense in the US. The house has an edge, but if you beat this edge you have to pay a "fee" to the dealer. poo to that :)

Going on a big tangent here (regards casino tipping) :-

European roulette : 1 zero, no dealer tipping, and that rule...'capture rule' I think it's called (half back on even money bets when lands on zero)

American roulette : 2 zeros, dealer tipping, no capture rule.

Roulette's a mugs game anyway, but the playing of the American version wins the top award.

(end of tangent :))
Hattori Hanzo

Hattori Hanzo

Rising Star
Bronze Level
Sep 20, 2006
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What you say, assuming there is any truth in it,

Why would you have to assume there is any truth in it........for one occasion I was there when it happened and on the second, like I said he is a very good friend of mine and I have seen the evidence of what I unless you are saying that I may of made this up, I really am at a loss as to what your above comment is either saying or insinuating...or have I missed something altogether here, if so my bad and I apologies, but it does seem to be saying that you feel either I or these people made it up, therefore saying that either them or myself could be a liar.:)


Silver Level
Jul 7, 2006
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oh, dont mind me, i'm just a cynical old git. :p

when i see a post written in this style which references another site, it just makes me think spam. Nothing to do with you personally, it just because of the volume we see in general. I'm sure chris and tammy delete loads each day. In truth, if I thought it was definately spam I wouldnt have replied in the first place. :)


hello by the way :smile:
Hattori Hanzo

Hattori Hanzo

Rising Star
Bronze Level
Sep 20, 2006
Total posts
oh, dont mind me, i'm just a cynical old git. :p
I can relate, I'm on my way.....heh:rolleyes:
when i see a post written in this style which references another site, it just makes me think spam. Nothing to do with you personally, it just because of the volume we see in general. I'm sure chris and tammy delete loads each day. In truth, if I thought it was definately spam I wouldnt have replied in the first place. :)
I fully understand Welly, I used to help out a little on my last forum, spammers, yuck, hate them!:fight:

hello by the way :smile:
Thank you very much, nice to be here!:smile:


Silver Level
Jul 6, 2006
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Call me a cynic, but I don't see why you should give $5 or $18 or whatever to random people who happen to be on their last pennies. If it makes you feel good, fine. But they're perfectly capable of depositing themselves. Most sites have a $50 minimum deposit, so unless they've started purely on freerolls, they can both afford $50 themselves, and have shown incompetence at poker so they'll probably lose your $18 as well.

As for transferring someone $1000, that's just stupid. If someone can't work their way up to $1000 from an initial $100, they can't be trusted with a $1000 bankroll. It's all part of the learning process - be successful and learn how to play poker and manage your bankroll at low limits, then work your way up to find your level.

Would be much better if poker sites had buttons linking to charities or other worthwhile causes, where you could instantly contribute if you're feeling generous! Of course the poker sites wouldn't like that, because it's money exiting their system.


Silver Level
Nov 10, 2005
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To understand the concept, people should rent the movie "Pay It Forward". In a nutshell, it's a way of bringing out the nice in some people who might need it. It might not work on all people. But for most folks, it should bring out a warm feeling in both the giver and receiver. It could be life-changing.

Too bad I find it hard to trust strangers. I've been burned too many times. I just put money in my daughter's college fund (she's 7). It's about as "warm" as I get.


Rock Star
Silver Level
Jan 7, 2006
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yes i have to agree...some players are more than nice about things....ive givin away a few hundred players who wanted to play a buyin with a forum...or was complaining about such bad luck...and tgell them when the bad luck comes back remember how lucky you was to meet me...

in return i have a fairly nice group of players that would giv eme money if i asked for it....might have to ask soon...been 58 days with out a top 5 ive had was a 7th place in a freeroll the other day


Silver Level
Jul 6, 2006
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Who on earth can't afford to top up their account with another $50 when they go busto? If they can't afford $50, there's no way they should be gambling with that much. Sounds like giving an alcoholic a bottle of whisky.


Rock Star
Silver Level
Jan 7, 2006
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well bomb...i am a stay at home dad...i dont have a job that would allow me to relaod anytime i need i have to ask the wife for money...that goes over like a steel terd in a magnet factory....

so when i give a few bucks here and comes back around...i guess you call it karma....or maybe the golden to others as you would want others to do to you

so i therefore see new people everyday...i bring up private buyin games..and how great poker forums freeroll games i play...the new players dont always know about forums and such or in freerolls they sometimes dont have money and are just i turn them on...brings fresh fish to market and potentially good forum members...and its good to be nice to people


Silver Level
Oct 1, 2006
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so i therefore see new people everyday...i bring up private buyin games..and how great poker forums freeroll games i play...the new players dont always know about forums and such or in freerolls they sometimes dont have money and are just i turn them on...brings fresh fish to market and potentially good forum members...and its good to be nice to people[/quote]

Great sentiment to have and i hope you go on the rush of a lifetime :D :D


Suckout Queen
Silver Level
May 22, 2005
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Actually something like this happened to me. I was playing at a ring game at UB back in the days, and we were all laughing it up and joking as we played. We were playing top this with Michael Jackson jokes. It was one of the funnest tables I had played at in a long time. We played for about 2 hours with the same players.

I had mentioned that I was a newbie and was trying to build my bankroll. This one guy asked my real first name at the table. And I asked why. He said it would be a surprise. So thinking it was part of the joking I gave it to him. He was quiet for a few minutes than came back on and said check my account. I did and he had deposited $20 in it. He said use it wisely, thanked everyone for such a good time and left the table. What a great feeling from that. Of course I lost it all being preCardschat, but I will never forget that generosity.

At the forum here I have run into some very generous players too. Mischman deposited money into my account during tournament play so I could continue in a rebuy tournry from here. I will never forget that. JuiceeQ also offered money to me. I think they are great for doing that and I won't forget that. And if I can do the same for someone, sometime, I will.


Rock Star
Silver Level
Feb 28, 2006
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Its nice to hear stories of generosity in the cut-throat world of poker
Hattori Hanzo

Hattori Hanzo

Rising Star
Bronze Level
Sep 20, 2006
Total posts
As for transferring someone $1000, that's just stupid. If someone can't work their way up to $1000 from an initial $100, they can't be trusted with a $1000 bankroll. It's all part of the learning process - be successful and learn how to play poker and manage your bankroll at low limits, then work your way up to find your level.

In your scenario you would of course be correct, however as I said in the first post, my friend keeps a regularly updated blog....which this sponsor had read for well over a year and had seen how my friend had developed his poker.....within that blog my friend was referring to how near he was in going up in levels.....I believe he was at $1/$2 limits and was working towards getting up to $2/$4 limits......the sponsor mealy donated the $1000 in order to aid my friend to get to these levels quicker.....because he is in fact a more than accomplished player as opposed to some one who cannot even manage a B/R and the sponsor knew he would work that money.

As stated this donation was merely done to "help" pad out my friends B/R, not create one for him......anyone who just gives out $1000 willy, nilly, I would have to agree with you that would be a pretty stupid thing to do, however that wasn't the case was as others have said in this thread, a great thing to do in order to help towards the further development of an already aspiring poker player.

I know if I was ever in the position to do so, I would, I've never needed help with my B/R.....but if I did I would hope that others that I supported would help me out.....If not, I'll go back to FRs and just do it all over again!:)