Silver Level
Just recently on the 19th of July Howard Lederer, Annie Duke, Andy Bloch, Phil Gordon, Chris Ferguson, Greg Raymer and Joe Hachem have filed an antitrust lawsuit against the WPT. It appears that before you enter a WPT event you must sign a waiver that allows the WPT to use your image and likeliness in any way or form without any legal obligation to give you any % of money. Now the reason the lawsuit was filed was because of all the other contracts that the players have with other companies. If by entering a WPT event a signing thier waver form these players are violating thier contracts. During the meantime these players are not participating in any of the WPT events until the lawsuit is done with. Another thing on this topic is that all the casinos that have contracts with the WPT cannot hold any other major tournaments until 2009 and the tournament structure must be what the WPT decides. So this is hurting the poker world by limiting the number of events these casinos can hold and for the players who make a living off the game.