Silver Level
Hi all. Played my first live tourny last night - a £30 freezeout (about $50-$60 dollars)
It is different. I found myself folding JJ after a raise of 3 times the bb by the guy UTG who had just joined the table and a call by another guy. I made the decision based on the fact that I would need to go all in as I only had 8 times the bb left. I know a lot of you will think I was mad, and after the event I now do, but I didnt want to leave after only 2 hours. As it happened, I would have taken down the pot because at showdown the UTG showed AJ and the caller pair 10`s - pair 10`s won. The guy before me had folded AQ - he would have taken the pot with pair Q`s.
I eventually went out of the tourny with KK. I pushed all in with about 6 times bb. I think I did well because I hesitated to make the others think I had AK, two paint, etc. After a slight hesitation a guy with about 3 times my stack called me and he turned 1010. Result!!! Until the river, he hit a 10
But I enjoyed it, finished about 30th out of 82.
I notice the following and I wonder if u guys agree.
It is different. I found myself folding JJ after a raise of 3 times the bb by the guy UTG who had just joined the table and a call by another guy. I made the decision based on the fact that I would need to go all in as I only had 8 times the bb left. I know a lot of you will think I was mad, and after the event I now do, but I didnt want to leave after only 2 hours. As it happened, I would have taken down the pot because at showdown the UTG showed AJ and the caller pair 10`s - pair 10`s won. The guy before me had folded AQ - he would have taken the pot with pair Q`s.
I eventually went out of the tourny with KK. I pushed all in with about 6 times bb. I think I did well because I hesitated to make the others think I had AK, two paint, etc. After a slight hesitation a guy with about 3 times my stack called me and he turned 1010. Result!!! Until the river, he hit a 10
I notice the following and I wonder if u guys agree.
- Most of the players were prepared to check al the way.
- A lot of players would call a raise with bottom pair
- It was amazing to look at people when the flop hit - I now know what u all mean by tells!!!
- U seem to fold forever!!!