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Mental Note



Cardschat Elite
Silver Level
Oct 23, 2005
Total posts
Hello All:

This won't be another sob story- this is result's of my playing poker as of lately. I will start this one off with that old saying (Keep your eye's on the prize), lately i found myself playing probably 4-5 hours every day on the internet. I do alright an win $5 here- $10 there spread out over several different site's. If i recall correctly-I think it was Irish Dave? who reminded me of this, an i simply forgot about it, #1- it's not good to spend that amount of time on-line everyday- you get burned out an make two many bad decision's, also if your like me it's quality time your robbing your love one's from. #2- i had like 10-15 different site's saved on my comp to pick an choose from to try an place on each site, some $1 tourney's an some freeroll's. I have taken them all off since then (not to encourage anyone) just my choice I will only concentrate on CD Poker/partypoker, an Titan because we play there, I really dont like the Prima site's. #3 Not to get off-track but I love the level of competition we have during our game's an the comradery we have here, also i plan to remain Loyal to Cardschat through-out my poker career- an continue to learn from you guy's/gal's.
#4 So in closing, my goal is to only play 1-2 game's daily to be able to concentrate more an increase my poker skills (I rank my level of play on a scale 1-10 a 5.0). Dont get me wrong im not doubting myself, im just realizing my range, cause we all can learn something new everyday(Mental Note).

P.S. I know we have the on-line challenge coming up an i already pre-registerd so i should be good, gl2u all and see you at the table's.

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Cardschat Hall of Famer - RIP Buck
Silver Level
Mar 25, 2005
Total posts
Thats a good plan Sherm,, if i play to much i lose my ability to concentrate, and the older i get the less i feel like playing, stick to your plan and let us know the results,, gl sherm >>>>>>>>. buck:cool: :joyman:


Silver Level
Jan 14, 2006
Total posts
Way to go Sherm. You need to set your priorities straight. Hope all goes well for you and remember "dedication,dedication,dedication!"


Rock Star
Silver Level
May 4, 2006
Total posts
I know I go through periods of time where I get like all-consumed with poker, I'll be playing on lunch breaks and most of the night after I get off work until the early hours in the morning. I don't get burned out during these periods, and I play so much because I'm doing well. When I hit a bad streak, quite honestly I get pissed off, withdraw my money, and quit playing for a while. That's not a great strategy, because I should be able to play through the low spots, however.. I know myself, and I know that I will do something stupid like climb up the limits and lose it all, so I cut my losses and chill out for a while.

Then again, I don't have a girlfriend, wife, kids, or anything. And I don't really have many responsibilities outside of work, so I can afford to play like that. And it's not always poker, I go on my streakd of playing online roleplaying games like.. World of Warcraft, or Guild Wars, or Second Life.

Well, I guess I never do actually completely quit poker like I with my RPGs. I just quit playing for cash for a while and play freerolls, and bar-poker, and play-money.