Silver Level
Hey all,
I went to the Casino yesterday. It was a blast. We were slow at work, so the bosses let us leave early.
First I sat down at the blackjack table, and I was on fire. In about an hour I was up $150. I decided to leave the table a winner.
Then I went to the Caribbean Stud Poker table and played that for about an hour. I was up about $30 or so.
After that I went to the Poker room.
$100 max. No Limit. I thought I was on fire at the blackjack table, whew. I tore them up at this table. I was getting cards up the ying yang! I had QQ and flopped a set, showed down at end vs KK. I hit a set with 77 on the fop twice and bet it hard both times. Got all in re-raise on both (they had top pair). The one guy asked me "why would you bet a set after the flop?" I told him I hate suckouts.
So I ended up $380 up on the Holdem table! It was very cool and very fun! The great cards helped me a lot there.
It was nice to be up $560 after about 3 and a half hours of play! I came home and took the Family out to a nice restaurant an Dropped $125 there. It was well worth it, the girls had fun dining out. We don't get out too much as a family.
Anyway, guess I'm rambling a bit. Thought I'd tell my poker playing buds how my day went!
I went to the Casino yesterday. It was a blast. We were slow at work, so the bosses let us leave early.
First I sat down at the blackjack table, and I was on fire. In about an hour I was up $150. I decided to leave the table a winner.
Then I went to the Caribbean Stud Poker table and played that for about an hour. I was up about $30 or so.
After that I went to the Poker room.
It was nice to be up $560 after about 3 and a half hours of play! I came home and took the Family out to a nice restaurant an Dropped $125 there. It was well worth it, the girls had fun dining out. We don't get out too much as a family.
Anyway, guess I'm rambling a bit. Thought I'd tell my poker playing buds how my day went!