Rock Star
Silver Level
i've been running horrible lately on FT...tonight i got in a lil 5 dollar at 6 oclock....330 people..i get the chip lead early...then some guy raises my aces up with a gut shot and takes half my stack...well i came back worked back and forth the chip lead all the way to the final table...and im in 2nd .....i sit around for a few hands...chip leader makes a raise to 5500 ....i have 90,000.....and pckt aces...i raise it back up to 12,000....then a guy pushes for 33,000...chip leader folds and of course i call ....he has JJ .....flop Ace, 6, jack....all clubs...guess who doesnt have a club and guess who does...i dont he does....thanks full tilt...u know what happend..club on river....but OH wait im still in with about 56k....now at this point...theres 6 left and i am livid...so i decide to move up in the money a lil bit...b4 i take any chances whatsoever...with 6 ppl left....so after i've folded 30 hands in a row...no because i wanted to move up in money because the best hand in there was 10J off.....i get big blind ace 10 and i have 45 k chips.....minimum raise from the same a hole with the jacks...(hes made a minimum raise about the last 6 hands shows how weak he is..but everyone else at the table didnt know that meant somthing i guess.) i just call....the flop 6 K A ......i checked...knowing this idiot was gonna bet the pot (15K)...and knowing theres a chance i could be beat but was going with it no matter....he bets the pot...and i push 42k ....and he calls with QK...and the f-ing river a king u know it....if i win either of these hands ....im winning the tourney...so much BS im tired of it