Harrah's New Orleans



Rock Star
Silver Level
Dec 28, 2010
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Hey guys,

My girlfriend's birthday is coming up in about 2-3 weeks. We were looking at going to New Orleans for their St. Patricks day and St. Joseph's day stuff. Lately I've gotten her into poker and one of the days she wants to go to a casino before we leave. Apparently Harrah's is the only one in the city (seemed like some were outside but we were looking to stay in N.O.). I was able to find plenty of tourney buy ins, but we were looking to maybe just play for a while and mix in some other games too. I've been to Vegas once but the line for poker was always out the door. Basically I was wondering if anyone has been there, or usually goes there alot. What can I expect? Will there be something with low enough limits to buy like $50-$100 and not get completely killed based on stack.

Also are there any rules that I may not know? I'm not retarded so I know no talking about what you folded while that hand is still going but some less obvious ones like should I wait for the hand to finish before leaving a table (if I fold the flop lets say, online I hit the X and I'm out but an actual table could cause distraction) I never heard anything like that but I don't want Grumpy McTilt to start grumbling and getting all pissy at me or more importantly her.


Rock Star
Silver Level
Jun 22, 2010
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I've been to the Harrah's in the NO a few times. Its not a bad place at all. Rarely had to wait to be seated at a low level table. And they have low buy in games, at the $1/$2 tables minimum buy-in is $60 and max is $300. But not many start at $100 or so. You and your girlfriend should be alright, there is nothing different about this casino than others. As for leaving the table just annouce after the next few hands or next orbit you'll be leaving nobody will have a problem with that.