The FX Bankroll



Cardschat Elite
Silver Level
May 13, 2006
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Jumping right onto that bandwagon, starting a ' my bankroll ' thread !

5/17 deposit $100

5/18 Started out playing bad hands and losing a lot of pots, tightened up and ended up doing fairly well. $125.90 (+25.90)

5/19 once again started out badly, playing rags. *need to work on hand selection* tightened up, won a few huge pots. $144.55 (+18.65)

5/20 Played less hands, hand selection getting better. $159.80 (+15.25)

5/21 same as yesterday $167.70 (+7.90)

5/22 limped in with 55, hit a set and got destacked by someone playing JJ who also hit their set. Then got destacked playing nut flush draw (dumb play) to a boat. $153.30 ( -14.40 )

5/23 limped with 55, fellow to my left limped in with KK. Flop had a K and a 5 on it, and he let me bet into him after the flop with no raises. Turn was another 5, bet pot again got called. River I bet the pot yet again, fellow went all in with KKK55 boat, I called with 5555K, destacked him and he left the table.
$181.00 ( +27.70 )


Cardschat Elite
Silver Level
May 13, 2006
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5/24 the day of bad beats and bad decisions

had JJ, flopped trips and lost to a flush the guy caught on the river.
had QQ lost to K6 offsuit, who calls 5xBB preflop bet with K6 off ??
Lost a boat to 4 of a kind
Lost twice with 2pr. I had limped in from BB with K8, flop came KQ8, lost to someone holding KQ

$156.80 ( -24.20 )

this one round sums up the cards I was getting:

The button is in seat #6
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Effexor [4h 8s]

The button is in seat #5
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Effexor [8s 4s]

The button is in seat #2
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Effexor [4s 8h]

it's rigged ! hehe

positives: hand selection is getting better, learning the betting patterns better, wasn't timid on PF betting (just didn't match up much)


Silver Level
May 20, 2005
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Effexor said:
5/24 the day of bad beats and bad decisions

had JJ, flopped trips and lost to a flush the guy caught on the river.
had QQ lost to K6 offsuit, who calls 5xBB preflop bet with K6 off ??
Lost a boat to 4 of a kind
Lost twice with 2pr. I had limped in from BB with K8, flop came KQ8, lost to someone holding KQ

$156.80 ( -24.20 )

this one round sums up the cards I was getting:

The button is in seat #6
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Effexor [4h 8s]

The button is in seat #5
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Effexor [8s 4s]

The button is in seat #2
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Effexor [4s 8h]

it's rigged ! hehe

positives: hand selection is getting better, learning the betting patterns better, wasn't timid on PF betting (just didn't match up much)

Try moving to another table.


Cardschat Elite
Silver Level
May 13, 2006
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Today was a harsh lesson in BR management. I was creeping up at the lowest level table so thought I could do ok at the next level.

1 terrible call, and 2 really bad beats later and I was out near $60.

Played a $1 SNG and won that, then went to the smallest ring table again and started working my way up again.

$122.55 ( -34.25 )

Betting is improving (although a $20 loss was from a continuation bet that was a bad decision ). Payed attention to table position more.


Rising Star
Bronze Level
May 21, 2006
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fixxer not you is it lol, bishop05 here


Cardschat Elite
Silver Level
May 13, 2006
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no I'm not fixxer.

Couple good days, down a few $ but only because I played in a $26 tourny and did poorly. I got a lot of awesome starting hands at the onset but never matched up. Stole some pots but you can't bluff every hand... Finally was in position with 77 and went heads up with someone that lucked out with a Q5o.

Learning to be more aggressive, and it payed off in a little 45 seat MTT today. I had fallen into the trap of always assuming other people have awesome hands. Still surprises me how people over-value hands.


Cardschat Elite
Silver Level
May 13, 2006
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I've decided to look on my bankroll as entertainment $, nothing else. That removes the pressure of always trying to make more $, and lets me get the hands under my belt to get some experience. I also stopped playing the micro ring games, they seem to me to be more poker bingo than anything. Losing hands is ok, it happens and is expected, but people calling 5xBB and more raises with 92o is just plain stupid.

Played in a 4 MTT's yesterday, placed 1st in one.
6th in one, I was chip leader with 10 people left and my computer crashed, by the time I got back on I had lost more than half my chips.
9th in one, lost a QQ vs AA race, hard to avoid but I did have a feeling he had a monster based on his betting patterns.
30th in one, had AsJs, flop came AJ8, and lost on the river to someone playing AQ when the Q rivered me.

Getting much better playing the positional advantage, and using bets / reraises to glean information about peoples hands. I'm finding out that position is much more important that I had originally thought.


Cardschat Elite
Silver Level
May 13, 2006
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This past week I've been playing nothing but 45 person SNG's, and the occasional $1 or $5 big MTT. It's been good because I've been able to play a lot of hands for not a whole lot of losses, getting some good experience. One thing I did notice was I wasn't losing many hands to better hands, most of the time I lose to suck outs, which doesn't bother me too much. If I get my chips in with the best hand I'm satisfied. Maybe it's just that I learned to fold. I've also learned how to use table position a lot better with regards to starting hand selection and betting.

I did have a good run at a $5 MTT on sunday, had about 200 people and ended up in second place for $145 win. The big difference was I didn't get sucked out on and once early I got lucky in a huge multiway pot. I had top pair and flush + straight draw and took a shot with 2 all ins before me, hit the straight, then I tightened up and chose my spots to play.

Whats nice now is that I have some room to only play with cash I've won.

BR is at $261 now


Cardschat Elite
Silver Level
May 13, 2006
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Had one of "those" days today, did ok on micro ring game, ended up up a little bit. Played in a couple SNG's and had 3 hours of horrid cards.

I find myself playing junk after getting 72o, 93o etc for an hour, then when I get Q10o it looks like a real winner. It's NOT ! haha

The micro ring games still confuse me. I got AA, flop came J53 rainbow and Villian bet into me like he had 3 more J's in his hand. As it ended up, he had JT and lost his stack to me.

Best beat of the day was in a MTT. I was down to little to no chips, went all in with KK, got one caller who had AA.. To rub salt into the wound the flop had another Ace, and then the fourth Ace showed up on the turn.

BR $248


Cardschat Elite
Silver Level
May 13, 2006
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Well, I couldn't hit a flop to save my soul today. Played a couple SNG's and got brutally beat down. Got third in one, that was my best showing, the rest were nightmares. To say the cards were cold is an understatement. It's hard on the old confidence. I keep telling myself that in the long run AA will beat J5 offsuit most of the time, but it didn't today...

BR $235


Cardschat Elite
Silver Level
May 13, 2006
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I got rivered so many times today it's simply mind boggling. Here are the last 2:

$5 SNG, Limped in with KT, flop comes 9JQ, I bet the pot one guy calls. turn comes 3, villian goes all in, I called, he shows 93o. River comes 9, out first hand bye bye $5

First hand of $5 MTT, I have AJh, flop comes AJ3, I bet the pot, villian calls. Turn comes 7, I bet the pot, villian calls, River comes 10 VIllian goes all in and I call, he shows KQ. Bye another $5.

BR took a beating $210

Beginning to think I really suck at this. Tomorrow it's dinner with the wife sans kids so no poker, need a break from this constant oozing of cash.


Rock Star
Silver Level
May 4, 2006
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Taking a break is definitely helpful! You're still up $110 overall, but I'm sure you'll come back with a fresh outlook. Has happened to me a few times, at least you're taking a break before you go tiltso like i tend to do, lol.


Cardschat Elite
Silver Level
May 13, 2006
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Big comeback day!

$1 SNG 4th no money
$1 SNG 2nd $2
$1 SNG 1st $4
$5 SNG 1st $22
$5 SNG 1st $22

Also played in 2 $5 big MTT's, donked out of one on a horrible call. Still guilty of overbetting top pair. The other one just got done, I was real short stacked and pushed after a favorable 442 flop with TT, got called by the big stack playing A9 and rivered by an ace. Frustrating my hand didn't hold up but I was happy with my play. I still think I need to tighten up starting hand selection a little though. The early blow to my stack was when I played [Ad] [Kd] and didn't match up, took a shot at the pot with a c-bet and was reraised so I had to fold.

BR $241

On the weekends I've been playing in these early morning $5 MTT's, whats nice is my wife likes to sit there with me and we talk about whats going on in the game, how other people are playing, guess on whos going to bet and how much, guess on hands people might have and discuss what hands to play and how much to bet / call fold reraise etc etc. It's fantastic training for me.


Cardschat Elite
Silver Level
May 13, 2006
Total posts
I took a few days off, I was sick plus my wife was on a business trip so I had my hands full with the kids.

I played a $10 45person SNG and donked out early, it was honestly embarassing the terrible call I made. Consistency still eludes me...

This afternoon I watched Chuck play in a GP tourny and took notes. The ability to steal blinds is a fine art, requires some good reads and good table position. It was good to watch and I plan on watching him play whenever I can.

I bought the book " Harrington on Hold'em ". The last book I bought was the sklanksy one, hold'em for advanced players. I didn't get the entire way through it as it was aimed at limit hold'em and I'm working on my no limit game still. The Harrington book seems so far to be an excellent read.

Won a $1, 45 person SNG tonight which made up for some of my donk plays recently.

BR $237
Bankroll Building - Bankroll Management