Bronze Level
Ok, played my first ever MTT last night in my local(Torquay) casino. £10 rebuy, 46 entries. Me, my girlfriend and a mate all entered, none of us had played live before. My mate rebought once, me and my gf didn't, purely on the fact that we wanted to try the night out, see how we got on, and see whether we liked it. Sat down at table, everyone real friendly. Missed the dealer seat, thank God. 1000 chips to start, blinds 25/50 for the first 45 mins, rebuy's at less than 500 for first hour and a half. Decided to play tight, just to have fun evening. 1st hand I get to play(other than limping and missing flop, only played 3 hands all night!) I get AKc in BB. Raised it to 200, 2 callers. Flop comes TJQ rainbow, woohoo. Manage to get all my chips in by river, took it down. Next hand I play, QQ in mid-position. Raise to 250, no callers. Break after an hour and a half.Do quick chip counts. I've got 1900. Mate's just busted out. Girlfriend has 9000!!!! ( I explained my theory to her how she done it(I was a bit merry at time!!): she is a slim girl, with great breasts, and a beautiful face. Slight cleavage on show last night, and one of only 2 women out of 46 people, the other women being a bit of a 'howler', aka dog(apologies to the women on here, but that was my impression!), so the guys let my girlffriend of the hook a bit. That's my theory, anyway. Her theory was that she's better than I am, which I agree with, now I'm sober. Anyway, back to tourney. Now it's freezeout. Hit a bad run of cards, nothing to play, apart from KQos, with a flop of KQ2 rainbow, but everyone folded to my bet. I get real low on chips, then the guy next to me gets busted out, and who takes the seat, but my gf, with her now 10000+ chips. Guy opposite me starts chatting up my gf, till she says' how are you doing darling?' to me, and gives me a kiss. Well, I felt like a king at that moment.
I need to push with low chip count, get ATsuited and go all-in. BB calls with 48os!!!! and hits a fullhouse. Im out, but happy with 19th place. Gf plays consistently well, and makes the final table. So, 10 people left, top 5 get paid out: 5th gets £80, 1st gets £600. By the look of it, gf is in top 3 at moment. But, my girl is incredibly shy, and gets nervous sometimes, and I think the occaision got to her. She calls an all-in of 4000 with AQos and gets beat. Few hands later she calls 2 all-ins(one putting her all-in) with TT and gets knocked out by KK to finish 8th. Im so proud of her. Next time I told her to pretend it's a $1 sng online, that may help.
Anyway, I know I've rattled on way too much, but to sum up, we had a great time, without hitting the money. It was fantastic to sit there, rifle chips, and take on the big boys. Next time I'll rebuy once and add-on once, and who knows, I might even beat my gf!
PS Sorry Jack Daniels, no money to dump to you for your idea.
I need to push with low chip count, get ATsuited and go all-in. BB calls with 48os!!!! and hits a fullhouse. Im out, but happy with 19th place. Gf plays consistently well, and makes the final table. So, 10 people left, top 5 get paid out: 5th gets £80, 1st gets £600. By the look of it, gf is in top 3 at moment. But, my girl is incredibly shy, and gets nervous sometimes, and I think the occaision got to her. She calls an all-in of 4000 with AQos and gets beat. Few hands later she calls 2 all-ins(one putting her all-in) with TT and gets knocked out by KK to finish 8th. Im so proud of her. Next time I told her to pretend it's a $1 sng online, that may help.
Anyway, I know I've rattled on way too much, but to sum up, we had a great time, without hitting the money. It was fantastic to sit there, rifle chips, and take on the big boys. Next time I'll rebuy once and add-on once, and who knows, I might even beat my gf!
PS Sorry Jack Daniels, no money to dump to you for your idea.