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explain this



Rock Star
Silver Level
Oct 11, 2007
Total posts
im down about 90 bucks in the last 3 days on the net. have made some okay cashes everyday . but nothing big.

every saturday i play a live game with some guys i used to work with, i've played the last 3 weeks, (since i've known about the game) theres been 17 people, 11 people, 13 people..... I've won 3 times. they think im a pro for wearing my ft hat over there.

what i dont understand is today for example....calling an all in for 2/3s of my chips to a guy who was obviously under pressure. wiht KK....he shows AJ . flop 89Q , turn Q, river 10.
then a cash game.... a guy playing like a idiot i mean biggest moron i've ever seen.
he limps in from small blind. i raise 3 times the blind with AK ....he re raises 4 times my raise. i move all in. And i know the best he could have against me is a coin flip. smaller pp. He calls with 4 5 of hearts.
flop A 9 q (1 heart. turn K hearts, river 2 hearts). same guy a few hands later small blind limps in . i check with the big blind. 8 2 offsuit. flop 2 6 8 ....he bets the pot. i move all in. he calls. he shows K 6.. Turn ? ..river King. I mean some days i got this will poker . im 100 percent focused and i play pretty dang good.
other days i got the will power. im 100 percent focused and i play pretty good and i get bent over all day long. and it pisses me off. i mean its not even real the way it happens...i really think full tilt has like a hex on me or something. i mean in real life im consistent as can be, i build a chipstack i stab at pots with chips i've won. i pick up pots left and right. ON the internet full tilt has made me the streakiest player alive. and i know im not changing my game whatsoever. so tell me besides. UB, Fulltilt, whats a good site for me to get on? thank you


Silver Level
Nov 7, 2007
Total posts
Best advice I can give is to get the boys from work together every night. You'll be a pro.


Silver Level
Apr 12, 2007
Total posts
FTP is not rigged
ur going to get the same game play on each site
it could be 2 things 1)u dont blame the site ur just not that good or 2)ur on a downswing,thats all


Rock Star
Silver Level
Oct 11, 2007
Total posts
its not a...for sure. i've finished 3rd in a 10 dollar tourney with 312 people....while i was playing a 5 dollar horse with 182, which i won.

but what im saying is the success i have had. i cant deal with these downswings (running bad) and im telling you it only happens online. When i play live games i dont need good cards to win. and online i have good cards and cant for days in a row it seems.


Cardschat Elite
Silver Level
Jul 19, 2007
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multiple days in a row downswings happen... twice to me so far in 2 weeks ~~


Silver Level
Nov 7, 2007
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its not a...for sure. i've finished 3rd in a 10 dollar tourney with 312 people....while i was playing a 5 dollar horse with 182, which i won.

but what im saying is the success i have had. i cant deal with these downswings (running bad) and im telling you it only happens online. When i play live games i dont need good cards to win. and online i have good cards and cant for days in a row it seems.

Then you aren't playing cards you are playing the people. Online there are way fewer tells to read so the cards start to matter more. If you play with friends I am sure you know there tendencies, if you started playing strangers live you would probably have a similiar result to online FWIW.


Silver Level
Apr 12, 2007
Total posts
i cant deal with these downswings and im telling you it only happens online. when i play live i dont need good cards to win.and online i have good cards and cant win for days in a row it seems
do you realizing what u are saying?
every single poker player ever existent has had downswings
ur just not making any sense
Last edited:


Rock Star
Silver Level
Oct 24, 2007
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lol i have a permanent downswing. no biggie thouhg, you'll get over it :)


Rock Star
Silver Level
Oct 11, 2007
Total posts
im saying its not a downswing when every coinflip ....pp vs two overs or vice versa you lose....when people hit one outers on you left and right ....over and over...that doesnt happen thats not a downswing that bs. .....and like i said i dont pay attention to these guys tendicies that i play with i've played with them 3 times....i start with 2000 chips...i play a few hands pick up a few pots then i got....3000 chips...thats 1000 that i won ....i either bluff with or just plain put pressure on other people always with something to fall back on and that leads to 4000 and on and on and on and i would do that with whoever i was playing not just those guys. and it works online when your not gettin bent over every tourney. i swear the last 10 tournies i've went out of atleast. i've had all my chips in with the best hand ....better than a coinflip. and lost. every one of them thats bs. yeah i know i won some in those tournies b4 that. but it shouldnt happen every time your tourny lifes atstake. ...and nobody still has answered my question. where besides full tilt is there to play


Cardschat Elite
Silver Level
Sep 2, 2007
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^^^^ thats just poker, remember a 1 outer occurs 1/50 hands, therefore it DOES happen, its not like your are immune to being outdrawn, they are called outs because they can hit.


Silver Level
Mar 12, 2007
Total posts
if you really think its bs stop playing or figure out how to use this "bs" to your advantage. If worse hands always win then play those worse hands and youll be a winner!


Rising Star
Bronze Level
Jan 12, 2008
Total posts
There are other sites that u can play at, but your going to find the same thing there. When you play with a small group of friends at one table your playing against fewer people and a way fewer hands then when you play online. Everyone has seen the unlikely hands hit against us. Its just part of the game.


Cardschat Elite
Silver Level
Jul 7, 2006
Total posts
from this thread:

First things first: more donks do not make you lose. It might increase your variance, but playing against poor player is not going to turn you from a winning player to a losing player.

Let's look at some reasons why you might win live, but not online:

1. You are not really a winning player live. Yes, it's very possible that you misremember the amount of your wins live, unless you are disciplined enough to keep a detailed log of your live play. Pretty basic human psychology to tend to forget your loses and remember your wins. You "forget" your trips to the ATM and all those tournament sessions where you didn't cash live. Online, you can't lie to yourself: your account balance is right there in black and white, and making another deposit often involves a bit of effort that isn't easily forgotten.

Also, your live game sample may not be big enough to determine if you are a winning player yet. Statements like "I usually cash in 2 out of 3 tournaments I play live" are clearly ridiculous. This is a short term run of good luck, as not even the best players in the world can make a claim like this. But if you have only played about ten tournaments it's not out of the question that a positive variance like this could occur.

2. Live players are actually worse than online players. This has been my experience at least: $1/$2 NL live plays like one cent/two cent online. As for tournaments, if you are not doing research and seeking out a good structure, most live tournaments are much more luck contingent do to small starting stacks and fast blind levels. Without a doubt there is a higher percentage of good players online that you are likely to encounter as opposed to playing live. Your local cardroom might have a few expert players, but it's likely that you don't cross paths that often due to shear numbers, or simply them playing at different stakes than you. Not so online: there are a lot more players who know what they are doing, and that you are likely to encounter, even at the lowest stakes.

3. Less "distraction" live. You are pretty much constantly reminded that you are playing poker, where as on the computer you have different distractions like e-mail, cardschat (!), etc. Live has it's own distractions, sure (Venetian cocktail waitresses anyone :D?) but the point is that you are not going to lose your main focus of actually playing poker. There is a very clear line about "what you are doing" when you are at a cardroom: playing poker. Online, this isn't the case, as you can be multitasking to your detriment. While doing several things at once can help some people and prevent them from playing too loosely due to boredom, it can have a negative effect on others.

4. Lower stakes online. You might not take the game as seriously, or play to your "A" level if you are only playing a $5 tournament as opposed to buying in live for $120.

5. Extra removal from the actual money. It's been said that the guy who invented gambling was smart, but the guy who invented chips was a genius (or something similar to that effect). Betting is a lot easier for most people if you are putting in little pieces of round plastic as opposed to hundred dollar bills. It's similar to it being easier to overspend with a credit card as opposed to forking over cash. Online has an even further removal for the reality of it being money. This can be a positive aspect with regard to poker and making +EV decisions of course, but it can go the other way as well for some people.

6. Different skills are needed playing online. It's beyond the scope of this topic to innumerate them all here, but clearly ou have to give up things like physical "tells" skills (overrated anyway, imo), and have better statistical analysis ability when playing online. I think that most people will make a lot bigger deal of this than they should. Patter recognition (in opponents betting), both live and online, is going to give you more information more often about the strength of someones hand than seeing them twist their oreo a certain way.

7. Failure to make the strategic adjustments necessary. Your opponents play differently online than they do live. Again, it's probably beyond the scope of this topic to get into all the specific ways this occurs, suffice to say that you need adjust your game to compensate for this.

And finally:
8. You're not a winning player period. Play is much faster online, and you are able to see so many more hands or play so many more tournaments in a short period of time, that it becomes clear a lot more quickly if you are a winning player of not. Your mistakes are magnified since you will be making them far more often. In other words, playing online gets you into the long run faster, where a more accurate assessment of your skill can be seen. It takes a lot of different skill sets to win at poker, including patter recognition, logical/analytic mind, willingness to continue to study/learn/improve, discipline, etc., etc., etc., and a lot of people just are not going to have the ability or time to be winning players.


Silver Level
Nov 10, 2005
Total posts
Jeez this is getting old: "Only poor players blame the site."


Rock Star
Silver Level
Sep 29, 2007
Total posts
Just a very very simple solution. If you win all the time in live games and you loose all the time online. DO NOT PLAY ONLINE!!! Hey it's just a thought.