Rock Star
Silver Level
This I think has become the worse leak in my game.
Bad winners are people who play trash the entire tournament but win despite their poor play.
I have come to the conclusion that most tourneys are the short run. Because you will see these kind of people win all the time.
However you rarely see them at the final table again. Why? because they suck and got lucky in the short run which just happened to be that one tournament.
I never and I mean almost never can get away with play even close to that. I will catch flush or straight draws like 2 or 3 times the entire tourney of like 200 hands. And 1 of those will be a hand I folded preflop because it was just plain junk. But, these bad players will catch a flush or straight 20 or 30 times over the course of the tourney.
Just these puts me on tilt how these idiots can get so lucky playing bad like that and I have to play supertight to just stay in the tourney.
So, the question is how do you deal with this? I tend to get loose for a few hands and then have to retighten when I realize I just am not gonna get draws like they do. Which means I just have to go back to my old style of playing ultra tight.
Bad winners are people who play trash the entire tournament but win despite their poor play.
I have come to the conclusion that most tourneys are the short run. Because you will see these kind of people win all the time.
However you rarely see them at the final table again. Why? because they suck and got lucky in the short run which just happened to be that one tournament.
I never and I mean almost never can get away with play even close to that. I will catch flush or straight draws like 2 or 3 times the entire tourney of like 200 hands. And 1 of those will be a hand I folded preflop because it was just plain junk. But, these bad players will catch a flush or straight 20 or 30 times over the course of the tourney.
Just these puts me on tilt how these idiots can get so lucky playing bad like that and I have to play supertight to just stay in the tourney.
So, the question is how do you deal with this? I tend to get loose for a few hands and then have to retighten when I realize I just am not gonna get draws like they do. Which means I just have to go back to my old style of playing ultra tight.