Curious as to others experience with this site.
I'm playing on there this very minute while writing my response here.
I'm actually playing on 'SportsBetting' which shares the same player pool, has the same games, etc.
I initially joined there from a recommendation from a Cardschat friend (MTCashman) to take advantage of a Christmas promotion they were running. Well I never did take advantage of the promo and never really began playing on there until a few years later. (Cardschat used to hold many
freerolls on there but I missed out on all of those... too bad).
My thinking initially was >>> I'm going to be playing MTT's (micro/Low stakes, $5 to $22). I'll try SportsBetting (or BetOnline) so that I can add more games of similar buyin to my schedule. Well it never happened (long story but due to other commitments I have not been able to play an MTT schedule).
I had also heard that the site was relatively 'soft' vs. some of the other larger sites (ie. Stars) and that perhaps I would have some success on it (another recommendation from another CC member). So I gave it a try but started with a very small
bankroll (what was left from my initial deposit for that Christmas promo from a few years back)... I think I had just $14 in my account there. I played a $5 tournament and cashed for ~$50 and from there I played the 10nl cash tables ('BOOST', similar to ZOOM, Rushpoker, FastForward, SPEED, etc.). I liked it but was just not rolled enough for it so it was a bit of a grind trying to build it up. (and I think 10nl is the lowest stakes they have on there... they really should entertain having 5nl tables as I'm sure they'd get a ton more traffic there).
Anyways, these days I seldom play on there BUT I actually like the site.
software is decent! Works well, is smooth, and I've never had a disconnection issue.
- tables are softer than many
Cash games
stakes don't start out low enough
stakes don't go high enough (lol). Honestly there doesn't seem to be any traffic above 25nl and really not even enough players at that level on there.
I haven't played tournaments on there (aside from that first one... I don't recall playing any others) but it doesn't look like there's very many games in the lobby. For myself that's okay because I play on many sites at the same time but if I were only playing on one site it'd be a problem for sure.
I would definitely recommend the site to other players (just not to the really good players obviously)