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Rising Star
Bronze Level
Aug 5, 2006
Total posts
I have just recently taken up Poker and am hoping to make money from it. I play Limit Texas Hold Em. I signed up at 888.com and deposited $20 and made it up to $60 then I lost it. I deposited again another $20 and went up to $24 I decided that in about 10 minutes of playing Poker I had gone from a limit game of $0.25 to $0.50 I was good enough to play $1 - $2 games (big mistake) and then lost it. Oh well I haven't been blessed with beginners luck. Anyway I am hoping that you can share your expertise with me on Poker so I can in effect raise my game and make some money. Secondly I know 888.com is the largest casino site on the internet but why is it not mentioned on the forums? That's who i play with and I wonder if I shoudl be changing to poker stars? The reason incidently why I use 888 is because there are no distractions such as interactive players, images and titles on your chips etc.
Thankyou for reading this post and any opinions, help you can offer are welcomed.
Dorkus Malorkus

Dorkus Malorkus

Silver Level
Jul 12, 2005
Total posts
Welcome to the forums. :)

It's good that you've noticed playing 1-2 with $24 is pretty much an easy recipe for going bust. Even at .25-.5, with $20 you only have a 40 big bet bankroll, which is still insufficient.

My advice would be to either deposit more, or move to somewhere like Stars where you can play even lower limits for which you would be sufficiently bankrolled. .10/.20 limit with a $20 bankroll would be alright (as you move up, you should note that you need a bankroll of more big blinds - for example playing 1-2 you'd need more than a 100bb bankroll, as the average skill level of your opponents will increase as you move up), and obviously as your bankroll grows you can move up accordingly. Either that or play the $1 45 player sit n gos - I found them to be a great bankroll builder when I was starting up.

You can customize Stars using either their own 'themes' or third-party mods to remove images and make everything more 'plain' and less distracting, if that is a big issue to you.

(Tina, this topic is fine here as far as I'm concerned ;))


Silver Level
May 29, 2006
Total posts
He probably did because in my post above that I edited that I showed him the introduction forum :) then when Chris mentioned that it was fine here I deleted the link and what I said about the intro section.

roger that doger
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