Bitcoin Fee Madness



Silver Level
Mar 3, 2014
Total posts
Hello everyone.. I don't mean to sound like i'm on a rant or anything, just trying to figure something out. I've used bitcoin since the beginning, mostly because cashouts are almost instant anymore. I use coinbase as my exchange (to buy and sell) and blockchain for my wallet. The problem now is that I use to be able to switch rooms whenever I want to a room that I don't have a bankroll and quickly deposit 25 or 30 bucks on coinbase move it to blockchain, on to poker room and play. However... NOW when you deposit $25 on coinbase, they charge you $2..(which is fine), then 5 bucks to sent it to blockchain, then blockchain charges (or I should say the "minors" charge) 5 bucks to sent it to the poker the time the money hits the poker site your 25 bucks is down to 13!!!! I cant find a way on either coinbase OR blockchain to change the fees, but I know there must be a way. Yesterday I became fed up with it and used electrum, (which is easy to lower the fees to $2 but I still had the $2 coinbase fee, $5 minor see to send to electrum, and $2 fee to send to my poker room. wound up with roughly 16 bucks. I know the smart thing is to just put a large amount in blockchain and then from that point i'll only have the 1 fee ($5 to send it to poker room) but I can't help thinking there must be a better way.. that would still cost over 20% for a $25 poker room deposit. Any help would be appreciated Thank You