Silver Level
Let me start off by saying that this is not an endorsment, or a reccomendation for cheating at online poker. I do not believe in cheating and i would never do it. In fact i don't see the point. But i was playing a hand today that got me thinking about the subject. It was the first hand in a $5 heads up match at The Fish Tank. I had 9-7 off. i raised preflop, was called. bet on the flop, called. Bet on the river and on the turn, more each time, and called both times, and my opponent turned over J high, and won. Now i've been caught bluffing more times then i like to recall but 99% of the time, especially when i bluff so many times, my opponent will always turn over a pair, or at the very least a good A high. Now, i'm not saying i was cheated. I'm sure some of you might even say my opponent just out played me, but i can honestly say that if that's the case, i have never been that out played before. i could have sworn it was like he knew what i had. like i said, i'm not saying he was cheating, in fact i highly doubt he was, but it got me thinking about the possibility of cheating at online poker. I've seen posts on this site that reccomend websites that supposedly help players cheat, and most, if not all of the responses take the high road and simply condem the practice of cheating. I applaude this additude and i think it says a lot about the kind of people on this site, but i think it's a mistake to ignore the problem and hope it goes away, or at the very least never effects us. Based on all the links i've seen, on this forum and in other places, for websites that supposedly offer players the 'service' of cheating, i can't help but wonder if they actually work, not because i want to use them, but because i don't want them to be used against me. i can live with losing, but the idea of being cheated just bugs me. i have never investigated any of these sites, but i think investigation needs to be done, and i don't think that we can count on the online poker rooms to do so for us. i've seen many that stress the fairness of their service, assuring users that they're not cheating them, but i've never seen any that assure users that other users aren't cheating them. maybe i'm over reacting. maybe the whole thing is just a scam, but is it worth the risk of counting on that? i don't think this issue should be ignored. I'd like to know what you guys think and if there is any real information on this subject out there. thanks