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Tips for playing Live Poker (Amateur)



Rock Star
Platinum Level
Oct 22, 2023
Total posts
Hello, I'm a recreational poker player who wants to become pro, I have years of experience playing online poker but I never play live poker, only with a group of friends.

I think I have the right information to start playing live, but I consider is not enough.

Can you give tips of what do I have to expect? And how to I need to act.


Apr 2, 2011
Total posts
Can you give tips of what do I have to expect? And how to I need to act.
Hey Dougana, to me the biggest part of playing live, believe it or not, is hygiene. Screw all that crap about what to do in certain spots or acting out of turn... A non-offensive personal aroma is a preferred MUST, imo. Remember that you're sitting elbow-to-elbow w/folx. Everyone will thank you.
Other than that, it's pretty much just poker in your face.
I suppose the main thing I see players do is act out of turn or wanting to re-raise when "you can't". What I mean by when "you can't" is when facing an all-in from a player whose stack did not span the total amount of chips needed to present a 3 or 4 bet, whichever the case may be, and all you can do is call. I've seen players almost ball up their fist and hit the dealer when told they can't go all-in over the top, that they have to wait for the next street. Don't be shy about asking a player or the dealer for a chip count. You'll often see players ask for a count for various reasons and this is one of them. Online rooms tend to spoil us pretty bad.
Also, try not to bend the cards too sharply as to make a crease or bend. That and maybe don't stack your chips too high. They frown on that where I play, at least in the main room. The stream rules may be a little different.
It's not a rule but I try to have my blind chips ready to go in prior to my BB. It keeps the action moving along and the dealer will appreciate it.
Tipping is somewhat encouraged. I usually tip when I'm on my way out, unless playing cash. The one tournament I did win I went and tipped the dealer who dealt the winning hand (a little extra) and the others that were present for the trny. It was a good day for all, lol.
Oh yeah, I almost forgot about gum and/or breath mints. Don't be shy, eat 'em up. Have fun and may the flop be with you. GL. ;)


Rock Star
Platinum Level
Oct 22, 2023
Total posts
Wow, thanks you so much! So much information that I don't considered. The hygiene part is insane.

Hey Dougana, to me the biggest part of playing live, believe it or not, is hygiene. Screw all that crap about what to do in certain spots or acting out of turn... A non-offensive personal aroma is a preferred MUST, imo. Remember that you're sitting elbow-to-elbow w/folx. Everyone will thank you.
Other than that, it's pretty much just poker in your face.
I suppose the main thing I see players do is act out of turn or wanting to re-raise when "you can't". What I mean by when "you can't" is when facing an all-in from a player whose stack did not span the total amount of chips needed to present a 3 or 4 bet, whichever the case may be, and all you can do is call. I've seen players almost ball up their fist and hit the dealer when told they can't go all-in over the top, that they have to wait for the next street. Don't be shy about asking a player or the dealer for a chip count. You'll often see players ask for a count for various reasons and this is one of them. Online rooms tend to spoil us pretty bad.
Also, try not to bend the cards too sharply as to make a crease or bend. That and maybe don't stack your chips too high. They frown on that where I play, at least in the main room. The stream rules may be a little different.
It's not a rule but I try to have my blind chips ready to go in prior to my BB. It keeps the action moving along and the dealer will appreciate it.
Tipping is somewhat encouraged. I usually tip when I'm on my way out, unless playing cash. The one tournament I did win I went and tipped the dealer who dealt the winning hand (a little extra) and the others that were present for the trny. It was a good day for all, lol.
Oh yeah, I almost forgot about gum and/or breath mints. Don't be shy, eat 'em up. Have fun and may the flop be with you. GL.

I will, thanks 🙏

I think you should watch live of professional poker tournaments and learn a lot of knowledge on the site.
Ok, I will. Thanks 🙏
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