Silver Level
I just finished a live NL holdem tournament that I got to about 1/2 way in and I realized I just got pocket paired to death. I saw AA, JJ 10sx3, 8s, 7s, 2s and 5s in about an hour and a half.
I saw AA early on and did not win much with it.
I got JJ when someone in front of me went all in and I took it down when his KJ did not improve and won like 500 chips.
Both times I saw 10s I raised preflop and at least two overcards came both times with an A present (most likely I am now behind). I was in position both times and someone would bet the pot and forced me to lay it down.
8s, 7s and 5s I tried to see for cheap and forced to fold when not improved.
I finished the tournament with my third time getting 10s. I raised to try and steal the the blinds and someone that I know plays Ax reraised so I called. He had AK and spiked the A on the flop.
I gave away lots of money by trying to see the smaller pairs cheaply and was resorting to a coin flips with the rest.
I saw AA early on and did not win much with it.
I got JJ when someone in front of me went all in and I took it down when his KJ did not improve and won like 500 chips.
Both times I saw 10s I raised preflop and at least two overcards came both times with an A present (most likely I am now behind). I was in position both times and someone would bet the pot and forced me to lay it down.
8s, 7s and 5s I tried to see for cheap and forced to fold when not improved.
I finished the tournament with my third time getting 10s. I raised to try and steal the the blinds and someone that I know plays Ax reraised so I called. He had AK and spiked the A on the flop.
I gave away lots of money by trying to see the smaller pairs cheaply and was resorting to a coin flips with the rest.