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Gestural knowledge



Rising Star
Bronze Level
Jun 10, 2016
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I think that to participate in a live tournament you have to master many previous tables, know and study your rivals; I made a mistake being at a table in person due to not having studied those factors, but how is this to learn; now the rival looked at my chips, which were much lower than mine; I was not comfortable in the environment because I am 100% allergic to cigarettes and whoever was next to me was smoking more than a chimney; I raised my K ♤ A ♤ and only one at the table I paid for myself. First cards K ♡ J ♧ 7 ♡ the opponent bets little, because I didn't want to look like a weak player paying, to wait for the turn; 3 ♡ for me nothing changed but for the rival there I would see it, follow his small bet and pay the last card K ♧ To be honest I was upset because he was a good trio but in this situation I expected that my rival would bet little and pay to see the cards; here the mistake happened see my chips and then bet 60% of my chips; at first I was losing with color and ladder if that were the case; but that the rival was the case Looking at my chips, I was baffled; so after my time ran out; I had to make a decision; I paid because I imagined a bluff for the previous bets, the last chip didn't tell me anything for him; I had Color and I didn't win, the man took his time because when the color came out, he went up and I retired; but the best thing about him was to see my chips and immediately bet like he stole from you. There my experience.