Rising Star
Bronze Level
I was at the local casino playing 1-2 nl holdem. I had played about and hour and a half, fairly tightly. Managed to catch and play a few hands well enough to run 100 up to about 180 or so. I decided to losen up, because some of the players were really fast and making some horrible moves. So I call a weak raise with a Jh5S. Flop: 6-4-7 spades. THree people in the hand with me acting 2nd. Check, I check, button bets 20. Call Call. Turn 8 spades. I am super wooded. Checks to the button again and he bets 25 call call. river A spades. which sucks because i so wanted someone to have that bastard. First guy checks knowing his straight is shiite. I start to reach for chips and am counting out a value bet probly 25 or so hoping the button had the Kspades and will raise me. As I'm doing this the button grabs a stack of greens close to $150. I'm watching this and I'm about to lose it. He reaches past the line and is like two inches from putting them on the table, and the dealer stops him because its my turn. Now I am almost positive he has the K. So I decide to check raise, and let him take the bet.
Don't know if maybe he was getting a read, but I saw them chips and stained my pants.
Don't know if maybe he was getting a read, but I saw them chips and stained my pants.