Silver Level
ok so we got there about 4pm Monday afternoon and headed straight to the roulette table at the Taj. Let me start off and saying Chuck is a amazing roulette player, for some reason he hits alot. Ok so we get to the table and I buy $50 in chips and Chuck buys $100. I spread my $10 and chuck spreads about $40 or so, the ball is going round and round and Chuck throws $10 on 8 because there is nothing on it for the hell of it and guess what.....BOOOOM 8 hits for +$320 or so for him. I'm like no freaking way, we play a couple more spins and he throws $20 on some other number and I follow suit and throw $3 on his number and guess what he hits again for +$640, he left up like $900 and I went up $50 or so.
enough of all that junk lets get to poker, we started off sitting at 3/6 limit. I got AA two times in like 1st hour or so and they held up both times. Then my big hands started to get cracked over and over and I was down about $50 which made me even for day so far. I was getting bored as hell at that game so had Chuck see if there were any 1/2 NL tables open and there was right next to it. Well we went and sat at that table and there was this dude with like over 1 grand at the table. At a $300 max buy-in that is amazing. I just folded and folded got my stack down to about $120 or so and got JJ. Dude raised me like $20 and I came back over the top to about $45 and he called. Before flop came down I announced I was all in for my last $39 at the table. He called pre-flop and showed AQ. Board didnt help him and I doubled up. I was now about even again and Chuck and I played a little bit more roulette and joined a $80 sit and go.
It payed out top 2 spots and I went out like 5th, Chuck took 3rd and guys payed him $80 anyway to be nice. The 2 players that got 1st and 2nd were horrible players. When they were done I told Chuck lets go play some 1/2 again, we sat at this table and away we went again. I bought in for $200 and Chuck for about $300. Things went normal for about a couple hours and I just maintained my stack UNTIL.
I had QQ and made standard raise to $25, yes that is a standard raise in a 1/2 game live. whoever said 5x is standard I don't know but in these games raises were normally $15-$25 preflop. Well guy in late position called me and then another guy made it $100 preflop. So I mucked my QQ and other guy folded and I told guy I just mucked QQ and he was like NO YOU DIDN'T. I was like yes I did and he was like I had KK. I tend to believe him. Then I went on a rush getting AA,AK back to back and made about $100 on those hands. So at this point I was up to about $300.
Now here is the big hand of the night, had 77 which is my lucky hand, I have made alot of money of 77 and I almost always run it. Guy made normal like $15-$20 raise preflop so I call, flop comes down J75, bingo right? The board was safe so I went ahead and checked it. Guy made a normal like $45 bet an I re-raised another like $50 or so and he pushed all in? Now JJ worried me but I don't see how I could possibly fold this. I called and said " you got JJ?" and he said no and I said then I got you. He said he has 55, turn and river no help for him and my stack goes to about $600. After that I went up and down between $600-$700 and cashed out around $690. Chuck had terrible poker day but thanks to roulette he came up about $900 and I came up almost $500.
All in all a great day for both of us and my reads were amazing, I was calling out peoples hands left and right and had people actually asking me if they played their hand right or if they should of pushed or not. I was able to single out the weak players and stack the bad players. Both players that won that sit and go with Chuck played with us and I took like over $100 from one of them. I will be going back in couple weeks with my wife and unfortantly I will have to play some limit with her but im willing to for her.
enough of all that junk lets get to poker, we started off sitting at 3/6 limit. I got AA two times in like 1st hour or so and they held up both times. Then my big hands started to get cracked over and over and I was down about $50 which made me even for day so far. I was getting bored as hell at that game so had Chuck see if there were any 1/2 NL tables open and there was right next to it. Well we went and sat at that table and there was this dude with like over 1 grand at the table. At a $300 max buy-in that is amazing. I just folded and folded got my stack down to about $120 or so and got JJ. Dude raised me like $20 and I came back over the top to about $45 and he called. Before flop came down I announced I was all in for my last $39 at the table. He called pre-flop and showed AQ. Board didnt help him and I doubled up. I was now about even again and Chuck and I played a little bit more roulette and joined a $80 sit and go.
It payed out top 2 spots and I went out like 5th, Chuck took 3rd and guys payed him $80 anyway to be nice. The 2 players that got 1st and 2nd were horrible players. When they were done I told Chuck lets go play some 1/2 again, we sat at this table and away we went again. I bought in for $200 and Chuck for about $300. Things went normal for about a couple hours and I just maintained my stack UNTIL.
I had QQ and made standard raise to $25, yes that is a standard raise in a 1/2 game live. whoever said 5x is standard I don't know but in these games raises were normally $15-$25 preflop. Well guy in late position called me and then another guy made it $100 preflop. So I mucked my QQ and other guy folded and I told guy I just mucked QQ and he was like NO YOU DIDN'T. I was like yes I did and he was like I had KK. I tend to believe him. Then I went on a rush getting AA,AK back to back and made about $100 on those hands. So at this point I was up to about $300.
Now here is the big hand of the night, had 77 which is my lucky hand, I have made alot of money of 77 and I almost always run it. Guy made normal like $15-$20 raise preflop so I call, flop comes down J75, bingo right? The board was safe so I went ahead and checked it. Guy made a normal like $45 bet an I re-raised another like $50 or so and he pushed all in? Now JJ worried me but I don't see how I could possibly fold this. I called and said " you got JJ?" and he said no and I said then I got you. He said he has 55, turn and river no help for him and my stack goes to about $600. After that I went up and down between $600-$700 and cashed out around $690. Chuck had terrible poker day but thanks to roulette he came up about $900 and I came up almost $500.
All in all a great day for both of us and my reads were amazing, I was calling out peoples hands left and right and had people actually asking me if they played their hand right or if they should of pushed or not. I was able to single out the weak players and stack the bad players. Both players that won that sit and go with Chuck played with us and I took like over $100 from one of them. I will be going back in couple weeks with my wife and unfortantly I will have to play some limit with her but im willing to for her.